Hi friends.
I have a datagridview in my project.I want to navigate between cells( in a row) by pressing "Enter".I mean when user edits a cell, navigates to next cell by pressing Enter.(as we know navigation to the next row by pressing enter is the default action)
I tried to change the "currentcell" in datagridview_keypress.but it doesn't work. what should I do?
thx for ur attention.

NoBody can't answer me??!!!!!!!!:(

Here is an extension method to handle moving to the next cell. It doesn't behave exactly like the dataGridView because Microsoft did not expose a method to readily handle processing keys it seems. You could do better emulation if you wanted to use SendKeys() and send a Tab I suppose, but that would be even worse yet I think. You could also create a descendant of the grid...

Anyway this should answer your question for the most part.

Moving to the next cell:

public static class GridExtension
    public static void MoveNextCell(this DataGridView dgv)
      DataGridViewCell currentCell = dgv.CurrentCell;
      if (currentCell != null)
        int nextRow = currentCell.RowIndex;
        int nextCol = currentCell.ColumnIndex + 1;
        if (nextCol >= dgv.ColumnCount)
          nextCol = 0;
        if (nextRow >= dgv.RowCount)
          nextRow = 0;
        DataGridViewCell nextCell = dgv.Rows[nextRow].Cells[nextCol];
        if (nextCell != null && nextCell.Visible)
          if ((currentCell != null) && (currentCell.IsInEditMode))
            dgv.CurrentCell = nextCell;
          catch (InvalidOperationException) { } //Fails if you have cell validation


To capture the enter key you need to override ProcessCmdKey on the form:

protected override bool ProcessCmdKey(ref Message msg, Keys keyData)

      if (((keyData & Keys.Enter) == Keys.Enter) && (this.dataGridView1.Focused || ((this.dataGridView1.EditingControl != null) && this.dataGridView1.EditingControl.Focused)))
        return true;
        return base.ProcessCmdKey(ref msg, keyData);
commented: Excellent! +6
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