I am trying to sort out how to use the traversals in my tree to save to a txt file. Currently it is only ouputting the items stored within the node to the console. The traversals are located at lines 99-128

#ifndef TREE_H__
#define TREE_H__

#include <string>
#include <fstream>
#include <iomanip>

//header file for a Binary tree with the ordering property
//BaseData class is assumed to have overloaded relational
//> < == !=  <= >=       operators if not a base type

template <class BaseData>
struct  TreeNode {
			BaseData TreeData;
			TreeNode *left, *right;

template <class BaseData>
class  tree
       public  :
		 tree(tree<BaseData> &t);
		 tree<BaseData> & operator = (const tree<BaseData> &t);
		 void insert(BaseData &item);
		 void SearchAndDestroy(BaseData target);
		 void writeTree(int) ;
		 int fullTree() const;
		 int emptyTree() const;

       protected:   //helping functions
		 void remove(TreeNode<BaseData> * &current);
		 void inOrder(TreeNode<BaseData> *);
		 void preOrder(TreeNode<BaseData> *);
		 void postOrder(TreeNode<BaseData> *);
		 void destroy(TreeNode<BaseData> *p);
		 void copyTreeNode (TreeNode <BaseData>** into,
					 TreeNode<BaseData>* from);
		 void insertNode(TreeNode<BaseData>** into,
					  BaseData& item);
		 TreeNode <BaseData>  *getnode(BaseData &item);

		 TreeNode<BaseData>  *root;


template <class BaseData>
	root = 0;

template <class BaseData>
  if (root)
	destroy (root);

//helping function for destructor and copying functions
template <class BaseData>
void tree<BaseData>::destroy(TreeNode<BaseData> *p)
{  if (p)
    { destroy(p->left);
      delete p;

//copy constructor: uses helping function copyTreeNode
template <class BaseData>
tree<BaseData> :: tree(tree<BaseData> &t)
    root = 0;

//copy constructor: uses helping functions destroy and copyTreeNode
template <class BaseData>
tree<BaseData> &  tree<BaseData>:: operator = (const tree<BaseData> &t)
{   if (this == &t) return *this;
    if (root)
    root = 0;
    return *this;

//helping function
template <class BaseData>
void tree<BaseData>::inOrder(TreeNode<BaseData> *p)
{     if (p)
     { inOrder(p->left);
       cout << p->TreeData;
}//END InOrder;

//helping function
template <class BaseData>
void tree<BaseData>::preOrder(TreeNode<BaseData> *p)
   if (p)
     { cout << p->TreeData;
}//END PreOrder;

//helping function
template <class BaseData>
void tree<BaseData>::postOrder(TreeNode<BaseData> *p)
{   if (p)
    { postOrder(p->left);
      cout << p->TreeData;
}//END PostOrder; */

//searches for target of the base data type and if found it removes it
//uses helping function remove
template <class BaseData>
void tree<BaseData>::SearchAndDestroy(BaseData target)
{	TreeNode<BaseData> *previous, *current;

	current = root;
	previous = 0;
	while(current && (current->TreeData != target))
	   { 	previous = current;
		if (current->TreeData > target)
			current = current->left;
		else current = current->right;
	   }  //(*while*)
	if (!current)    //target not found
		{ cout << "target not found " << endl;

	//remove requires the actual node in the tree
	if (current == root)  remove (root);
		{if (previous->left == current) remove(previous->left);
		 else remove (previous->right);

}//END SearchAndDestroy;

//helping function to search and destroy
//important:  the input is the actual pointer inside the tree

template<class BaseData>
void tree<BaseData>:: remove(TreeNode<BaseData>* &current)
{	TreeNode<BaseData> *previous, *temp;
// (*the pointer sent in is the parent (left or right) in the tree*)
       temp = current;
       if (current->left == 0 && current->right == 0)  //leaf node
	   current = 0;                                //parent is null
	    if (current->left == 0)       //  no left child
		current = current->right; //  replace with right child
	    else                          //  has left child
	       {  temp = current->left;
		  previous = current;
		  while (temp->right != 0)
		   { previous = temp;     // locate TreeNode that has the
		     temp = temp->right;  // largest value smaller than
		   }                      // the value of TreeNode to be
					  // deleted
		  current->TreeData = temp->TreeData; // replace with
						//that TreeData
		  if (previous == current)      //  replace is left child
		      previous->left = temp->left;
		      previous->right = temp->left;// replace is down rt
						  // subtree of left child

    delete temp;
}//END Delete;

//returns true if the tree is empty   otherwise false
template<class BaseData>
int tree<BaseData> :: emptyTree()  const
return !root;

//returns true if the tree is full   otherwise false
template<class BaseData>
int tree<BaseData> :: fullTree()   const
	TreeNode<BaseData> *temp = new TreeNode<BaseData>;

	if (!temp) return 1;
	delete temp;
	return 0;

//inserts a data item of base data type into the tree
//uses helping function insertnode
template <class BaseData>
void tree<BaseData> ::insert(BaseData &item)
	insertNode(&root, item);

//helping function for insert
//this takes the address of a pointer to a node and inserts
//item into the ordered binary tree headed
//by that node.  This assumes overloaded comparison operators
//for class BaseData.
template <class BaseData>
void tree<BaseData>::insertNode(TreeNode<BaseData>** into, BaseData& item)
  if (!(*into))
	{*into = getnode(item); 
  if ( item < (*into)->TreeData &&  !((*into)->left))
       (*into)->left = tree<BaseData>::getnode(item);
  else if (item < (*into)->TreeData)
       insertNode (&((*into)->left),item);
  else if (item >= (*into)->TreeData && !((*into)->right))
       (*into)->right = tree<BaseData>::getnode(item);
  else insertNode ( &((*into)->right), item);


//gets storage for a new node to be inserted into the tree
template <class BaseData>
TreeNode <BaseData>*  tree<BaseData>::getnode(BaseData &item)
	TreeNode<BaseData> *temp = new TreeNode<BaseData>;
	if (temp)
		temp->TreeData = item;
		temp->left = 0;
		temp->right = 0;
	  return temp;

//helping function for copy constructor and =operator
//it copies the ordered tree pointed to by "from" into
//another ordered binary tree whose root
//node has its address in the "into" pointer.

//helping function for copy constructor and =operator
template <class BaseData>
void tree<BaseData>::copyTreeNode (TreeNode <BaseData>** into,
					TreeNode<BaseData>* from)
	if(!from) return;
	insertNode( &(*into), from->TreeData);
	copyTreeNode( &(*into), from->left);
	copyTreeNode(&(*into), from->right);

//writes the tree in three different orders: pre,in, post and uses the respective helping functions
//requires input of a choice 1-2-3 for the order desired.
template <class BaseData>
void tree<BaseData>::writeTree(int choice)
{    switch (choice) {
	case 1 : tree<BaseData>::preOrder(root);
	case 2 : tree<BaseData>::inOrder(root);
	case 3 : tree<BaseData>::postOrder(root);
	default :  cout << "tree not written" << endl;
	}//end switch
}//end write Tree


I keep reading about using the preorder traversal in order to save my class objects to a file, but after reading all day yesterday and all day today, I can not find anything that explains what it is I am trying to do. Do I need to add an ofstream refereance inside the preorder parameter? and than put cout into the writeTree and create a saveTree method and call the ofstream object? cout is an ofstream isn't it? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Like always please don't post code just guidance in the form of explaining or point me to somewhere that explains this alot better would be great! Thanks

Maybe this will help :

bool save(std::ostream& saveFile, string fileName){
 //save data

Sometimes it just takes some time and people to bounce ideas off of. Here is my solution. Let me know if anyone sees a way I could do this better. Thanks!

template <class BaseData>
void tree<BaseData>::writeTree(int choice)
{    switch (choice) {
case 1 : tree<BaseData>::preOrder(root);
case 2 : tree<BaseData>::inOrder(root);
case 3 : tree<BaseData>::postOrder(root);
case 4 : tree<BaseData>::saveTreeHelper();

default :  cout << "tree not written" << endl;
}//end switch
}//end write Tree

template <class BaseData>
void tree<BaseData>::saveTree(TreeNode<BaseData> *p)
    if (p){
        saveFile << p->TreeData;

template <class BaseData>
void tree<BaseData>::saveTreeHelper()

I apologize for forgetting the code tags on the last post. I believe my save function is working fine. I am now having a problem with my load function lol. Of course right? Anyway, the problem is when I run the loadFile function it seems to be inserting a duplicate of every object. I am guessing it is running a second time before realizing it is the end of file for some reason, but that is only a guess. When running the debugger, I am not seeing where it doubles up using the autos window. Below is the function. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

void Oxy::loadFile()
	ifstream inFile;
	//Temporary object of struct type Record
	Employee temp;
		inFile>> temp.fName
			>> temp.lName
			>> temp.ssNum
			>> temp.jobCode
			>> temp.age
			>> temp.numDependants

		//Checks to make sure its not the end of file.
		//If its not the end of the file it inserts 
		//the node into the tree
	//closing the text file

In your load function, you want to load in the data the exact way you
saved it right? Can you take it from there?

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