I'm getting the error message "Error: expected initializer before 'sum' " from line 9 of my code when I try to compile my program. I can't seem to figure out why it would be throwing this error. Any help would be great. Thanks!

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

struct Frac;
      int numerator;
      int denominator;
Frac sum(Frac& fract1, const Frac& fract2);
Frac Sub(Frac& fract1, const Frac& fract2);
Frac Mul(Frac& fract1, const Frac& fract2);
Frac Div(Frac& fract1, const Frac& fract2);

haha common error!!

You forgot the semicolon on line 8 after the }
Structs always have a semicolon after the last bracket

so add the semicolon on line 8


commented: Thanks duder +1

Oh and also
Line 4

struct Frac;

u shouldnt have a semicolon after the


Oh wow, don't I feel sheepish! :)
Thanks for the help!

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