So on the last day of class, I've learned about vectors. They seem like linked list, which seem like arrays. They are all pretty much containers that will hold some object of some data type I believe.

Why would someone use one vs. using the other? And is there one that is more commonly used?

I just finished this programming 2 class and I don't feel like I can write any kind of significant program. There are no more c++ specific classes I can take, so I'm guessing you learn on the job how to program (and at home)?

Vectors can be a lot more convenient to work with than arrays because they're a lot more flexible. For example, you can resize them as you need whereas with an array you'd be giving it a default size when you construct it.

If you want to get really good at C++ you'll have to sink quite a bit of time into it. There's a lot to learn. If you want to work in C++ then I highly suggest reading up as much as you can on it. I definitely wouldn't wait till I got a job to learn how to program. You can always work on an opensource project to gain some experience. There's lots of great projects out there that need developers.

The reason why one would use one over the other is for efficiency.

Some operations like inserting takes constant time in linked list, while
it vectors it might not.

The only thing you will learn in school is how to study on your own.
To become a good programmer, you will have to start studying on your
own. Get a good C++ book. Relearn the concept. Then move onto other topics like data structures.

Just to see where you are at, what is the more complicated program you
have made?

As far as working on an open source project I'm not sure I'd be able to help any. I'm not sure about how everything works. But, still, I'd really like to give it a go. I searched for some projects but it all seems pretty confusing on how you jump in and get started or where you get started.

Vectors can be a lot more convenient to work with than arrays because they're a lot more flexible. For example, you can resize them as you need whereas with an array you'd be giving it a default size when you construct it.

If you want to get really good at C++ you'll have to sink quite a bit of time into it. There's a lot to learn. If you want to work in C++ then I highly suggest reading up as much as you can on it. I definitely wouldn't wait till I got a job to learn how to program. You can always work on an opensource project to gain some experience. There's lots of great projects out there that need developers.

The project that gave me the most trouble was actually earlier in the semester when we learned recursion. I had to make a minesweeper game using recursion.

The reason why one would use one over the other is for efficiency.

Some operations like inserting takes constant time in linked list, while
it vectors it might not.

The only thing you will learn in school is how to study on your own.
To become a good programmer, you will have to start studying on your
own. Get a good C++ book. Relearn the concept. Then move onto other topics like data structures.

Just to see where you are at, what is the more complicated program you
have made?

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