I'll be greatful if someone tell me how to declare the preiority queue in c++ and also tell me the syntax that how we can put a node in a preority queue.

You mean like:

#include <queue>
#include <iostream>
#include <string>

int main()
    std::queue<std::string> prio_q;
    std::string node = "value";
    return 0;

Learn about queue here

>std::queue<std::string> prio_q;
You know the standard library has a priority_queue class too, right?

>std::queue<std::string> prio_q;
You know the standard library has a priority_queue class too, right?

I can act real cool and tell you : "sure I did, but I just temporarily forgot due to alcohol/lack of sleep/drugs", but to be honest: "no, I did not know that". I don't even have a proper defense why I missed such an obvious thing.

@OP: click


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