I've searched everywhere, I can't find any tutorials or anything on how to make a custom C# taskbar.

I have no clue on how to make one, can someone please help me?

Thanks for your time!

I don't see why you would need one, the operating system should deal with that for you. Do you really mean toolbar, if you do look for ToolStrip and ToolStripContainer in the toolbox.

I don't see why you would need one, the operating system should deal with that for you. Do you really mean toolbar, if you do look for ToolStrip and ToolStripContainer in the toolbox.

I need to create a taskbar that displays running programs.

Ok, I still don't really see why you need to do this but you could use a ToolStrip in conjunction with Process.GetProcesses() .

Ok, I still don't really see why you need to do this but you could use a ToolStrip in conjunction with Process.GetProcesses() .

Yes, but that gets ALL the processes. I need to it function like a taskbar..

I was thinking along these lines, though I don't think the title works for explorer.

foreach (Process p in Process.GetProcesses())
    if (p.MainWindowHandle.ToInt32() != 0)
        string name = p.ProcessName;
        string title = p.MainWindowTitle;

I was thinking along these lines, though I don't think the title works for explorer.

foreach (Process p in Process.GetProcesses())
    if (p.MainWindowHandle.ToInt32() != 0)
        string name = p.ProcessName;
        string title = p.MainWindowTitle;

Sweet, that works pretty well. Thanks mate :)

Although, there is something that's annoying me.

Example: If I have 2 msn conversations up and I click on one of them it shows that convo in my new taskbar, then if i click a different one, it changes to that one.. Doesn't show it like it should :S

Are you using the process name as a unique id? I would use the process id to tell them apart if i was you.

// For the above.
  int id = p.Id;


>Although, there is something that's annoying me.

Do you have anything else to add to that? Please show us your work on Taskbar.

I assume that


means problem solved?

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