How to store all ComboBox items in a Text file..?

Please share the code for this

Do you know how to read and write to a text file? If not please look up the following in VB's help files...

FreeFile Function
Open Statement
Input Function
Line Input Function
Print Statement
Close Statement

Okay, once you know how to read and write to a text file then what you will need to do is use a for loop to go from 0 to listcount-1 printing the combo boxes list(index) values.

Then if you want to read the text file into to the combo box you would use the line input function and the additem method.

Good Luck

Please share the code...

Please try and come up with something you have created yourself and if you have problems with it post the relevant code here or goto put your project up for bid if you want someone to do the work for you.

Good Luck

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