
I try to follow steps mentioned here (http://www.speechforge.org/projects/cairo/install.html).

The first thing is about JMF. I downloaded jmr-2_1_1e-linux-i586.bin (the other thing is that I've got 64 bit computer). I found http://www.luniks.net/luniksnet/html/java/jtvd/doc/jmf.html . I executed bin file in /usr/lib as it is written in this mini-howto. Then I edited /home/mainaccount/.bash_profile file and added those three lines mentioned in mini-howto before "unset USERNAME" line. But Cairo tutorial (http://www.speechforge.org/projects/cairo/install.html) says "This will install jmf.jar and sound.jar to the lib/ext directory of your installed JRE". It didn't. So I tried to find manually files jmf.jar and sound.jar in /usr/lib/JMF-2.1.1e but I found only jmf.jar. There was no sound.jar. What to do with the missing sound.jar file?

I downloaded jdk-6u16-nb-6_7_1-linux-ml.sh and executed. It created directory jdk1.6.0_16 in /home/mainaccount directory which is my home directory. Inside it I see some directories, including jre directory. I see that I need to set my JAVA_HOME variable. But using google.com for "java_home jdk jre" gives disambiguous results - some say that it should point to jdk, some jre. Which of these directories should be indicated by this variable? Would setting this 'export JAVA_HOME=/usr/java/jdk1.5.0_07/bin/java' in ~/.bash_profile be the proper thing?

Is there any command or set of commands in Mandriva (or packets which are especially useful) to install all of required things with urpmi rather than by downloading, setting path etc.?


Mandriva, like most flavours of Linux, has a cairo package that you should be able to install with ease. http://www.google.ca/search?hl=en&source=hp&q=mandriva+cairo+package&btnG=Google+Search&meta=&cts=1262806955486&aq=f&oq=

The only time you really need to install something from source or from a third-party website is when it's really unusual software that there is no package for, or when you want a more recent version than is offered by your Linux distribution.

By the way: even if you don't have root access to your machine, you can usually still make use of .rpm or .deb files. Just extract them into some folder in your home directory; then add libraries to the path with -L (for gcc with static .a libraries) or LD_LIBRARY_PATH (for dynamic libraries), executables to the path with simple shell scripts that cd to the correct directory, etc.

Thank you for your answer!

I guess you have mistaken Cairo (application connected with graphics) with Cairo (responsible for connecting Asterisk and Sphinx4, used with Zanzibar).

So my questions are still valid.


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