#include <iostream>
#include <windows.h>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
#include <ctime>
#include <vector>

using namespace std;

bool fileCheck(const char *filename)
  ifstream ifile("item.txt");
  return ifile;
int show(int p)
      srand( time(NULL) ); 
      int random_integer; 
      random_integer = ( rand ( ) % p ) + 1;
      return random_integer;

int main () {
    SetConsoleTitle("Random Item Generator");
    cout << "Please select an option from the menu below" << endl;
    cout << endl;
    cout << " -Menu List- " << endl;
    cout << endl;
    cout << "1. Add Item" << endl;
    cout << "2. Display All Items" << endl;
    cout << "3. Display Random Item" << endl;
    cout << "4. Quit" << endl;
    int a = 0;
    bool firstTime = true;
    while (a != 4) {
    if (firstTime == false) {
       cout << endl;
       cout << "Please select another option from the menu above" << endl;
	   cin >> a;
    		if (a == 1) {
					if (fileCheck("item.txt") == false) {
					string itemName;
					cout << "Please type the item that you would like to add." << endl;
					ofstream myfile;
					myfile.open ("item.txt");
					cin >> itemName;
					myfile << itemName << endl;
					else {
					string itemName;
					cout << "Please type the item that you would like to add. (Please use an underscore in place of any spaces)" << endl;
					ofstream myfile ( "item.txt", ios::app );
					cin >> itemName;
					myfile << itemName << endl;
            else if (a == 2) {
                   string fileData;
                   ifstream itemFile ("item.txt");
                   if (itemFile.is_open()) {
                   cout << " -List of Items- " << endl;
                   cout << endl;                    
                    while (! itemFile.eof() ) {
                          getline (itemFile,fileData);
                          cout << fileData << endl;

                   else {
                        cout << "Unable to open file" << endl;
               else if (a == 3) {
                    ifstream itemFile ("item.txt");
                    string line;
                    vector<string> lines;
                    int counter;          
                    while (! itemFile.eof() ) {
                    getline(itemFile,line, '\n');
                    lines.push_back( line );

                    cout << "Random Item: " << lines[show( counter )] << endl;
                      firstTime = false;
    return 0;

This program that I have been writing will output a menu to the user, let the user pick from the menu and then depending on the option give or take information from the user. I was using a switch instead of if, elseif statements, but an error came up after I wrote the second case. I decided that it would be less of a hassle to just write it like this. What I am having trouble with is the vector statement under "else if (a == 3) {}". It will output the randomized item from the list, but only part of the time. I will run it other times and it will run, but as soon as I hit the 3 to select from the menu it tells me that windows has discovered an error, and then it will close my program soon after. Any ideas?

Thank you,

Two things I notice without testing it.
1. change these two lines:

while (! itemFile.eof() ) {
    getline (itemFile,fileData);

to this:

while (getline (itemFile,fileData))  {

Getline will automatically return 0 at the end of the find, so no need for the horrible eof() function.

same goes for lines 95 & 96

2: This line: srand( time(NULL) ); should only be executed ONCE in your entire program. So move it right after int main() A tip: You need to indent your code better because it's barely readable at this moment. If you're using VS you can use ctrl-a, ctrl-k, ctrl-f (in that order), but other IDE's have similair options to auto-indent your code.

in your show function you do: ( rand ( ) % p ) + 1; . The +1 can result in accessing an element from your vector which is out of range, so I'd change it to ( rand ( ) % p ) ; if I were you :)

Well one thing i would suggest would be in every case , ur opening the file and then closing it , that generates redundant code.

else if (a == 2) {
string fileData;
ifstream itemFile ("item.txt");
else if (a == 3) {
ifstream itemFile ("item.txt");

u could perform that action once in for all , after all the job is done and the user wants to quit fro the program , u can close the file.

#include <iostream>
#include <windows.h>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
#include <ctime>
#include <vector>

using namespace std;

bool fileCheck(const char *filename)
  ifstream ifile("item.txt");
  return ifile;
int show(int p)
      int random_integer; 
      random_integer = ( rand ( ) % p ) ;
      return random_integer;

int main () {
    SetConsoleTitle("Random Item Generator");
    srand( time(NULL) );
    cout << "Please select an option from the menu below" << endl;
    cout << endl;
    cout << " -Menu List- " << endl;
    cout << endl;
    cout << "1. Add Item" << endl;
    cout << "2. Display All Items" << endl;
    cout << "3. Display Random Item" << endl;
    cout << "4. Quit" << endl;
    int a = 0;
    bool firstTime = true;
    while (a != 4) {
    if (firstTime == false) {
       cout << endl;
       cout << "Please select another option from the menu above" << endl;
	   cin >> a;
    		if (a == 1) {
				ofstream itemFile;
				if (fileCheck("item.txt") == false) {
				string itemName;
				cout << "Please type the item that you would like to add." << endl;
				itemFile.open ("item.txt");
				cin >> itemName;
				itemFile << itemName << endl;     
				else {
				string itemName;
				cout << "Please type the item that you would like to add.";
				cout << "(Please use an underscore in place of any spaces)" << endl;
				ofstream itemFile ( "item.txt", ios::app );
				cin >> itemName;
				itemFile << itemName << endl;
            else if (a == 2) {
                   string fileData;
                   ifstream itemFile ("item.txt");
                   if (itemFile.is_open()) {
                   cout << " -List of Items- " << endl;
                   cout << endl;                    
                       while (getline (itemFile,fileData)) {
                          cout << fileData << endl;

                   else {
                        cout << "Unable to open file" << endl;
               else if (a == 3) {
                    ifstream itemFile ("item.txt");
                    string line;
                    vector<string> lines;
                    int counter;          
                    while (getline (itemFile,line)) {
                    lines.push_back( line );

                    cout << "Random Item: " << lines[show( counter - 1 )] << endl;  
                      firstTime = false;
    return 0;

it ends up doing the same thing... even with the fixes. and for some reason when i add it in here, it makes it look messy, I'm sorry. Lol in my compiler it is perfect lol

int counter;

You need to initialize it to 0.

commented: Nice catch, I should've seen that :) +12

oh wow. IT works perfect lol. Thank you.

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