I would like to find a c compiler for windows 7. So far I have tried 3 and all get the message that "this program is incompatible with windows". Any suggestions?

Which three did you try? I have no problem with Microsoft, GNU, Borland, and Intel. Those are probably the top four for Windows platforms.

Hi Senior bitch:
I have used Microsoft, however, I will return there as the Express version is supposed to work. I also tried turbo C. These did not work. I do not re4member the 3rd one.

Thanks for your reply. I'll keep trying.


commented: Nice way to make friends. -4

>I have used Microsoft
I seriously doubt if you can find at least one version of Microsoft's compiler (try 2008) that doesn't run on Microsoft's operating system. :icon_rolleyes:

>I also tried turbo C.
Somehow I'm not surprised. Many beginners like to find the oldest possible compiler and try to run it on the latest and greatest machines.

>I do not re4member the 3rd one.
Probably Miracle C. :D

commented: Nice :) +18

I've tried codeblocks but it tends not to do anything when I hit compile, or build and run

I'm using Pelles C (it's free), and has it's own small forum for really good advice. It's only C, and only for Windows, 32 and 64 bit, and the IDE is more intuitive, imo.

I've tried codeblocks but it tends not to do anything when I hit compile, or build and run

Then you did it wrong. I use Windows 7 and it works ok for me. Code::Blocks is only an IDE and requires a compiler such as MinGW of Microsoft's CL. There are two versions of Code::Blocks, one with MinGW compiler and the other without it. I prefer using the version with MinGW because its the same compiler (almost) that is used on *nix os.

There is also free Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Express, which compiles both C and C++ programs.

[edit]Oops! I just responded to a 18-month old dead thread :icon_cry:

I would like to find a c compiler for windows 7. So far I have tried 3 and all get the message that "this program is incompatible with windows". Any suggestions?

Try DOS Box, it virtually mounts Turbo C++ on a drive and run in a 64 bit computer i.e. your windows 7.

1. Install the software DOSBox ver 0.73
2. Create a folder,for example „Turbo“ (c:\Turbo\)
3. Download and extract TC into the Turbo folder (c:\Turbo\):

4. Run the DOSBox 0.73 from the icon located on the desktop:
5. Type the following commands at the command prompt [Z]: mount d c:\Turbo\ [The folder TC is present inside the folder Turbo]
Now you should get a message which says: Drive D is mounted as a local directory c:\Turbo\
6. Type d: to shift to d:
7. Next follow the commands below:
cd tc

cd bin

tc or tc.exe [This starts you the Turbo C++ 3.0]

8. In the Turbo C++ goto Options>Directories> Change the source of TC to the source directory [D] ( i.e. virtual D: refers to original c:\Turbo\ . So make the path change to something like D:\TC\include and D:\TC\lib respectively )

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