I'm a java developer.
Recently, at university, I have been assigned a task about network programming with C++. The specification is about create a distributed application (with a server and many clients). If they allow to use RMI in Java or .NET Remoting with C#, it's easy for me, because I have some experiences in Java/C#. But they require to use C++ in every programming. So, I don't understand how to begin with it. Please give me some advices. Thank in advance.

Well i can provide u a basic code for 1 client and 1 server. now its up to u that u hav to make it multi threaded for multiple clients
wait for the code

go here its hard for me to understand because i dont have the time but its the only networking source that covers linux windows and mac on the same site.

commented: Thanks! +1

Thank Anarionist, I think this document is very essential to me :)

Sorry i failed to send you that code for 1 client and server. actually i have lost that. any way if u get some problems then let me know. i think i can help you.

Sorry i failed to send you that code for 1 client and server. actually i have lost that. any way if u get some problems then let me know. i think i can help you.

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