Hello Daniweb,

I'm trying to create a very simple shell for practicing purposes, but i'm a little bit puzzeled about the usage of execve, the function i use to execute a file.

The code fragment underneath shows my usage:

childPID = vfork();

        if (childPID == 0)
            execve(input.process, input.parameters, environ);
            printf("[!] %s.\n", strerror(errno));
            waitpid(childPID, NULL, 0);

In this example I have the parameters used use the following (strings are NULL terminated):

input.process: "ls"
input.parameters: NULL pointer.
environ: A variable defined in unistd.h with the current environment settings.

When I execute the application like this i get the following:

[!] No such file or directory.

So i decided to investigate the environment variable. One of the data contained in it is:


So one of the path paths in the path variable is "/bin" so I don't quite understand why "ls" doesn't work.

So then I tried the input "/bin/ls" instead of just "ls" and then the program does seem to work. So my question is: Why can't I provide a relative path when bin directories are specified in the PATH variable of the environment?

The 'e' forms pass the environment.
The 'p' forms (which you're not using) are the ones which search the PATH.

execve info/man has really good example code towards the bottom of the topic.

Here's what I did:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unistd.h>

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
	char *newargv[] = { "/bin/ls", "-l", NULL };
	char *newenviron[] = { NULL };
	char *exeprog = "/bin/ls";

	execve(exeprog, newargv, newenviron);


Like I said check the bottom of execve info/man for the example code...

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