HI! can someone help me get the codes for this program..

Im still new to TC..

heres the criteria:

1. This program is for selling bread

2.There are 4 types of bread namely a b c d and each cost 1 2 3 4 respectively

3.each bread has a stock of 100 pcs

4.1st the program asks you to which bread you want to buy?

5. then you enter the number of bread you want to buy. If not enough stock, the program tells u "out of stock"

6.then the program asks you if you want to buy anything else

7.if yes, the program goes to no. 4. if no, the program displays the total cost of your orders and the quantity of bread you ordered..

plss use the simplest functions like while, if , else, etc..

thanks for your help

>>Im still new to TC..
In that case uninstall it from your computer because you can't learn C or C++ from it. Instead, get one of the free compilers available for download, such as VC++ 2008 Express or Code::Blocks with MinGW.

>>Im still new to TC..
In that case uninstall it from your computer because you can't learn C or C++ from it. Instead, get one of the free compilers available for download, such as VC++ 2008 Express or Code::Blocks with MinGW.

IM a student and our subject is called turbo C

Its just that we need to use TC to use this program..

its an assignment T_T

We'd all be glad to help you if you provide us with the code you tried to write and show us what your having trouble with. Try something yourself first, and then ask us for assistance if/when you encounter a problem. Good luck.

ok.. ill update in about 30 mins

>can someone help me get the codes for this program..
I'm sure somebody hates you enough to stunt your growth by giving you code. The whole point of assignments like this is to make you practice solving problems and translating those solutions into code. So try it yourself first, then ask for help when you encounter a problem you can't solve.

>>Im still new to TC..
>In that case uninstall it from your computer because you can't learn C or C++ from it.

It depends on the version, to be honest. Unless it's older than Turbo C 2.0, C89 conformance will be close enough to learn proper C. However, when someone says "Turbo C" these days, they really mean Turbo C++ 3.0 or later, which are all pretty much stable when it comes to C89.

C++ is a different story altogether. To properly learn C++ you need a compiler that conforms to at least C++98, and the Turbo line doesn't cut it. But this is the C forum, so we don't bother with silly things like C++. ;)

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