Hi guys! I was wondering if anyone could provide me with useful tips or answers to the question stated below:

Why is the programming language C++ is often used as the main programming language for Biometric Applications compared to Java the programming language?

Your help would be really appriciated!

What are some of the reasons you would propose? (since clearly you're not asking this for homework or anything ;) )

Also note this is one of those questions where your professor may think there is a right answer but unless you're talking about % total of software projects in a field being dominated by one language versus another it's tough to compare.

The answer was probably in lecture notes.

First things first: how do you come to the conclusion you've made about the prevalence of C++ in that field?
Is that conclusion even correct (I've heard other things, but no conclusive data either way)?

Next term's lecturer probably offers the question:
"Why is the programming language Java often used as the main programming language for Biometric Applications compared to C++ the programming language?"
(or was it in fact a carefully crafted contest to see who could put the most 'programming language' statements in one sentence....)

Well if it was in the lecture slides I would have caught it! Obviously most people do not know! I've even ask my own lecturer and caught her baffled! So does anyone else have a better answer or suggestions?

Well if it was in the lecture slides I would have caught it! Obviously most people do not know! I've even ask my own lecturer and caught her baffled! So does anyone else have a better answer or suggestions?

Perhaps this particulair field has more 'traditional' programmers? Lots of these people still believe that C++ is the holy grail in speed and efficiency and Java is more of a toy to make online games with.
Or perhaps they reuse code a lot? Then it would be a timesaver to stick with C++ rather then recode all the code in Java.
Just guessing here btw.

I'd bet a bit that there is a lot of C code in that field from the embedded systems that all these secret agents walk around with (never saw a security person, laptop in hand, chasing a perp, have ya?)

(which could also mean for the C++ guys that they cross-compile to a lot of different platforms not available to Java)

(but Niek_e is your honest to goodness embedded guy so he knows this stuff much much better than I do)

niek_e: Mind explaining more in depth? Thanks ^^!

Anyone else has more answers or suggestions? It would really help alot because the internet has vert little research material regarding these topics. All the godly programmers out there please help! Thanks!

First things first: how do you come to the conclusion you've made about the prevalence of C++ in that field?
Is that conclusion even correct (I've heard other things, but no conclusive data either way)?

Well mainly if you go to the developer's website for the hardware devices bought and such you would see hte .NET library being supplied to the customers and fairly simple C++ being shared around for the devices.

Please read the post above this! Thanks!

niek_e: Mind explaining more in depth?

No I don't mind, but I can't add anything usefull to what I've said before. Yes, I am an embedded engineer, but my field of expertise does not include "Biometric Applications". So, sorry.

C++ is a better software than that of java and is easily accessible

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