I have GradeBook.h that include class interface, GradeBook.cpp that include class implemantation, I want to make a lib file and use it with GradeBook.h on the other project. How can I do that ?

I am using Windows 7, VS 2008

I would store the files in a location easily accessible from both projects then include them in the project(s) respective solutions...

Unless you're trying to make a DLL or something, then I can't help you...

I would store the files in a location easily accessible from both projects then include them in the project(s) respective solutions...

Unless you're trying to make a DLL or something, then I can't help you...

If I want to make a dll from GradeBook.h GradeBook.cpp. How I can do it and How Can I use this dll with GradeBook.h on the other project ?

If I want to make a dll from GradeBook.h GradeBook.cpp. How I can do it and How Can I use this dll with GradeBook.h on the other project ?

I unfortunately can't help you with that. I know you will still need a modified version of GradeBook.h so that you have an interface for your program and that GradeBook.cpp will compile into the actual DLL with the proper modifications. However, I do not know the required syntax. I'm very much a newb in that department.

I unfortunately can't help you with that. I know you will still need a modified version of GradeBook.h so that you have an interface for your program and that GradeBook.cpp will compile into the actual DLL with the proper modifications. However, I do not know the required syntax. I'm very much a newb in that department.

This link is very helpful I think I will do what I want. I am trying the instructions on the link.

This link is very helpful I think I will do what I want. I am trying the instructions on the link.

Thx for the link. I actually have a downloaded copy of the MSDN Library, I just haven't gotten to/through this part yet.

I did the library file with a lib project.

Lib project:
Fıle->new->project.... On Application Settings windows I chose static library and empty project settings and built it.


But on the link, it is making a the project that is using the lib project. That is useless. The project should use just the lib file not the project.

note lib project: that only include header file and cpp file that includes only class implementation.

If all you want to share is a header file and *.cpp file then I wouldn't bother making a DLL because that is like killing a fly with a sludgehammer. Instead, just create a static library project and add those two files to it. Then in each of the application programs just link with that library.

If all you want to share is a header file and *.cpp file then I wouldn't bother making a DLL because that is like killing a fly with a sludgehammer. Instead, just create a static library project and add those two files to it. Then in each of the application programs just link with that library.

I did the lib file from header file and the cpp(I built them when the project is a static library) I don't want to make a dll too. How can I link that .lib file when I make other projects ?

I did linking.

1. Tools/Options/Projects and Solutions/VC++ directories/
Platform "Win32" ShowDirectories for "library files"
and I added the folder to here that include my .lib file.

2. Project/ "your project" properties/ Configuration Properties/Linker/Input/Additional Dependencies

and I added my lib file "lib.lib" to here

that is it.

and If you want to use a *.h file that is made before in your project without add the header file to your project (just #include it in main)

  1. Project/ "your project" properties/ Configuration Properties/C/C++/Additional Include Directories

and add here your folder that include your header file.

and you can now built your project without header and source file(class implementation) just with a main.cpp file.


int main()
    GradeBook grade1("sdgdg");

    return 0;

#include"GradeBook.h" this is wrong sorry :(probably the project will be built with no errors)

#include<GradeBook.h> that will be true way Because this file is'nt in the project folder it is in a folder that you specified in Project/ "your project" properties/ Configuration Properties/C/C++/Additional Include Directories

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