I am trying to add search function in my visual basic 6 project
plz help me.

One, this is not a code snippet!!!

Two, what do you want to search for? Aliens? Cats? Dogs? Stars? Mice? Roaches? Farmland?

No! It couldn't be any of that could it??? Must be a hard drive, internet, LAN, WAN, words, machines, users, domains, or perhaps a database?

Hmmm... now if only the OP (that's Original Poster) only provided this information....

what u want to search? like: from database, from text file or other? plz details.

It wouldn't be difficult to do with Spectate Swamp Desktop Search SSDS. I do it all the time. When I want to display some random large font delayed print questions. The only change that would be required would be to modify the search string element for that background job. Be it photo display, Video play or song etc. The control.txt file lines 46, 47 and 48 control the background searches.

Running as a background job is an extremely useful feature of this desktop search engine.

i have a datadrid view and i add a textbox for search text from access (database)through ado. if i enter any character into text box like a, b, c .. the information will come into datagrid view like name, address etc. plz give me code.

i have a datadrid view and i add a textbox for search text from access (database)through ado. if i enter any character into text box like a, b, c .. the information will come into datagrid view like name, address etc. plz give me code.

I think u can use it

Set rs = Adodc1.Recordset

With rs
        .Source = "select * from Table where TITLE like '%" & Text1.Text & "%'"
End With
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