Hey, my friend and I made this website: http://www.letslearncpp.forumstech.com/. This website is complete with text and video tutorials made by my friend and I. Please visit this website and join it if you want to. Thank you.

>This website is complete with text and video tutorials made by my friend and I.
As baby steps tutorials go, it's not the worst I've seen. However, from reading the tutorials, you don't strike me as being at a level where you should be teaching without a chaperone.

really there should just be videos of great books with narration and examples. nothing more.

I read your first lesson. It was....interesting. Here are a few highlights

You can name your variable anything (as long as it doesn't correspond with any keywords used in the C++ language; no spaces are allowed). You put a semicolon at the end of the line.

So, i can name my int variable int #1Awesome.variable/value; ?

The all powerful #define is the last thing you will learn in this lesson. You can use this to set text commands. Almost like macros.

Almost like?

You really have an odd assortment of information here. Some of it is correct and succinct. Some of it, you launch into way too much detail about things that a beginner needs to know nothing about. Some of it is misleading. Some of it is just plain wrong.

The best teaching tutorials I have seen take small, compileable programs and break down what is happening at every step along the way. I appreciate what you are trying to do, but if you are going to shepherd the lambs, take them to meadows you know well.

commented: #lol^ߑ +0

Thank you for checking out the website and the constructive criticism you've give. We intend to take it and use it to our advantage with the website.

>We intend to take it and use it to our advantage with the website.
Hopefully this can be translated as: "We intend to have all of our tutorials proofread by an expert before publishing them".

Hopefully this can be translated as: "We intend to have all of our tutorials proofread by an expert before publishing them".

No actually: the website is merely an experiment where people can go check out tutorials online. If people want "proof-read by expert" quality education, they should go to a university or other website. I realize that not all of our information isn't exactly accurate but we don't market it as "proof-read by expert" quality material. This is simply our attempt at making a fun website for beginners, like us and others, to come learn and have fun programming. When I said that we've used your advice, I mean we've changed some of the errors pointed out and things like that. I fail to understand why you are so cynical about our attempt.

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