My problem is I want to be able to read through this xml document and populate a winform before validating it and then storing it into a table. This is a snippet of the xml document, it's way too big to put it all here.

- <Applicant>
+ <common:PersonName>
  <common:OrgName>Royal Borough of Kingston</common:OrgName> 
+ <common:ExternalAddress>
- <common:InternationalAddress>
  <apd:IntAddressLine>Learning & Children's Services</apd:IntAddressLine> 
  <apd:IntAddressLine>High Road</apd:IntAddressLine> 
  <apd:IntAddressLine>Noth London</apd:IntAddressLine> 
  <apd:IntAddressLine /> 
  <apd:Country /> 
  <apd:InternationalPostCode>JT1 1EU</apd:InternationalPostCode> 
- <common:ContactDetails PreferredContactMedium="Telephone">
- <common:Email EmailPreferred="no" EmailUsage="work">
- <common:Telephone TelMobile="no" TelPreferred="yes" TelUse="work">
  <apd:TelNationalNumber>020 888 8888</apd:TelNationalNumber> 
- <common:Telephone TelMobile="yes" TelPreferred="no" TelUse="work">
  <apd:TelNationalNumber /> 
- <common:Fax FaxMobile="no" FaxPreferred="no" FaxUse="work">
  <apd:FaxNationalNumber /> 
+ <common:FileAttachment>
- <common:PrintInformation>
- <common:PaperSize>
+ <common:FileAttachment>
- <common:PrintInformation>
- <common:PaperSize>
+ <common:FileAttachment>

So far to retrieve the code this is how I have been doing it

Dim elm = _doc.DocumentElement
        Dim nl = elm.ChildNodes

        Dim rootElement As XmlElement, xmlList As XmlNodeList
        Dim nsmr As New XmlNamespaceManager(_doc.NameTable)
        nsmr.AddNamespace("common", "http://www.mywebsite")
        nsmr.AddNamespace("xsd", "")
        nsmr.AddNamespace("apd", "http://www.Mywebsite/AddressAndPersonalDetails")
        nsmr.AddNamespace("bs7666", "http://www.Mywebsite/people/bs7666")
        nsmr.AddNamespace("core", "http://www.Mywebsite/core")
        nsmr.AddNamespace("glm", "http://www.Mywebsite/gml")
        nsmr.AddNamespace("mdc", "http://www.Mywebsite/mdces-2006")
        nsmr.AddNamespace("org", "www.Mywebsite/financial/OrganisationIdentifiers")
        nsmr.AddNamespace("xlink", "")

    If (_doc.GetElementsByTagName("ProposalDescription").Count > 0) Then
            Dim nlAppData = _doc.GetElementsByTagName("ProposalDescription")
            txtPropDesc.Text = nlAppData(0).ChildNodes(0).FirstChild.InnerText
            txtPropStarted.Text = nlAppData(0).ChildNodes(1).FirstChild.InnerText
            txtPropCompleted.Text = nlAppData(0).ChildNodes(1).ChildNodes(0).FirstChild.InnerText()

        End If

What I want to do is something like
dim faList as List of common:FileAttachment
For Each Dim cfa as common:FileAttachment in FileAttachments


DataGridView1.Datasource = faList

Please, please please help guide me in the right direction

Look into LINQ to XML!

You can use it to load XML files or parse XML strings (with XML namespaces) into collections of defined or anonymous types.


Imports System.Linq
Imports System.Xml.Linq

Module Module1

    Sub Main()

        Dim xml As String = "<?xml version=""1.0"" encoding=""utf-8"" ?>" & _
"<Cars>" & _
  "<Car>" & _
    "<Make>Ford</Make>" & _
    "<Model>Fusion</Model>" & _
    "<Color>Blue</Color>" & _
    "<Year>2010</Year>" & _
  "</Car>" & _
  "<Car>" & _
    "<Make>Toyota</Make>" & _
    "<Model>Prius</Model>" & _
    "<Color>White</Color>" & _
    "<Year>2009</Year>" & _
  "</Car>" & _
  "<Car>" & _
    "<Make>Honda</Make>" & _
    "<Model>Accord</Model>" & _
    "<Color>Red</Color>" & _
    "<Year>2010</Year>" & _
  "</Car>" & _

        Dim document As XDocument = XDocument.Parse(xml)

        Dim query = From car In document.Descendants("Car") _
                    Select New With _
                    { _
                        .Make = car.Element("Make").Value, _
                        .Model = car.Element("Model").Value, _
                        .Color = car.Element("Color").Value, _
                        .Year = Int32.Parse(car.Element("Year").Value) _

        For Each car In query
            Console.WriteLine("{0}{4}{1}{4}{2}{4}{3}", car.Make, car.Model, car.Color, car.Year, vbTab)


    End Sub

End Module

Just to say a big thanks as this set me on the right path here's my solution

'Load my xml file
        Dim xDoc As XDocument = XDocument.Load("C:\temp\Test2\Application.xml")
'Declare my namespace 
        Dim ns1 As XNamespace = XNamespace.Get("http://www.MyWebsite/OneAppCommon-2006")

'use linq to retrieve results, note the ns1 + "FileAttachment"
        Dim Attachments = From attachment In xDoc.Descendants(ns1 + "FileAttachment") _
                    Select New With { _
                   .FileName = attachment.Element(ns1 + "FileName").Value, _
                   .Size = attachment.Element(ns1 + "Size").Value, _
                   .MimeType = attachment.Element(ns1 + "MimeType").Value, _
                   .PaperSize = attachment.Descendants(ns1 + "StandardSize").Value, _
                   .HasBeenPrinted = attachment.Descendants(ns1 + "HasBeenPrinted").Value, _
                    .Reference = attachment.Element(ns1 + "Reference").Value}
'Bind to datagridview
        Me.dgvAttachments.DataSource = Attachments.ToList()
        Me.dgvAttachments.Columns(0).Width = 210
        Me.dgvAttachments.Columns(5).Width = 230
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