Definition: a temporary is a C++ object which is niether a constant nor a variable, but is has type.


TYPE f(int a)

f(2) is a temporary. it is niether a constant nor a variable but it has a type.

class A
      A(char ch)

(A)'a' is a temporary.

properties of temporaries:
first essential property of temporaries: a temporary is destroyed as soon as possible:

#include <conio.h> 
#include <iostream> 
using namespace std; 
class Test 
      int a; 
      Test(int x) 
            a = x; 
            cout<< "object constructed" << "\n"; 
      Test(const Test& t) 
            a = t.a; 
            cout<< "object copied" << "\n"; 
            a = 0; 
            cout<< "object destroyed" << "\n"; 
int main() 
      cout<< ((Test)10).a << "\n"; //1: object constructed, 2: 10, 3: object destroyed 
      cout<< "end"; 


object constructed
object destroyed

(Test)10 is a temporay. it is trying to find an opertunity to be destoyed. we see that it is destroyed before cout<< "end" .

second essential property of temporaries: a temporary tries not to call copy constaructor if possible:

#include <conio.h> 
#include <iostream> 
using namespace std; 
class A 
      int a; 
      A(int x) 
            cout<< "constructor" "\n"; 
            a = x; 
      A(const A& a) 
            cout<< "copy constructor" "\n"; 
            this -> a = a.a; 
void f(A a) 
      cout<< a.a << "\n"; 
A g() 
      return A(20); 
int main() 



in this example copy constructor must be call at least 2 times. but it is not called at all because A(20) and g() are temporaries.

third essential property of temporaries: in most compilers (inluding Dev C++) a reference to a temporary must be constant, & such reference prevents the temporary to be destroyed until the end of the block execution.

#include <conio.h> 
#include <iostream> 
using namespace std; 
class A 
      int a; 
      A(int x) 
            a = x; 
            cout<< "destructor" "\n"; 
A f() 
      A a(10); 
      return a; 
}                              // 1: destrcutor 
int main() 
            const A& a = f(); 
            cout<< "end" "\n"; // 2: end 
      }                        // 3: destructor 



if you write: A& a = f(); instead of const A& a = f(); VC++ has no problem with it but Dev C++ refuses to compile.

now "temporary" is not a standard name, I defined it myself. I wanted to know if there's a standard name & if there' more info somewhere on the web?
the books about C++ say nothing about temporaries. experts in other forums said that there are conditions under which copy constructor is not called but they didn't say anything about temporaries & its main name if any..

Grab a draft of the C++ standard (google is your friend) and search for "Temporary objects".

And can anyone add any more essential property? those were I founded by experience!

C++ standard

oooh, I have a C# standard & its harder than Shakespears texts to read! |-:

>And can anyone add any more essential property?
No, nobody can add more than the standard itself without entering the realm of implementation-defined and undefined behavior. If you don't understand the standard, specify which parts and I'll help you interpret it. But that particular section (12.6, IIRC) is very lucid, in my opinion.

>I have a C# standard & its harder than Shakespears texts to read! |-:
Standards are like that. You get used to it.

No, nobody can add more than the standard itself without entering the realm of implementation-defined and undefined behavior. If you don't understand the standard, specify which parts and I'll help you interpret it. But that particular section (12.6, IIRC) is very lucid, in my opinion.

no , don't bother. Only wanted to know if I missed knowing another important thing!
thanks for yr answer,
remember you said u wr nt gna ansr! ;)

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