I hope this doesnt constitute as me asking for answers but I am running a program and at the end I am asked for the program to wait 10 seconds after saying goodbye and prompted back to main menu. I have researched this on google and from some of the results I have found they are not clear. Could one of you guys show me how to make this timer work for 10 seconds...

//Class: C++ 230
//Date: 2/16/10
//Assignment: final
//This program is my final for C++ 230
//This program will perform typical functions of a normal ATM machine
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
using namespace std;

//Function prototypes
void showMenu();
int mainMenuSelection(int);
void welcomeScreen();
double enterAmountScreen(double);
int anotherTransactionScreen(int);
void goodbyeScreen();
void wait(long);

//int main function
int main ()
	//Declare variables
	int choice;
	//Set the numeric output formatting
	cout << fixed << showpoint << setprecision(2);

	//Function for welcome screen
	//Create a do\while loop
		//Display the menu and get the user's choice.
		cin >> choice;

		//Validate the menu selection.
		while (choice < 1 || choice > 5)
			cout << "Please enter 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5: ";
			cin >> choice;
		//Function to choose in the main menu selection

	} while (choice != 5);
	return 0;
//Function to show the main menu
void showMenu()
		//Display the main menu screen
		cout << endl << "\t\tMain Menu Screen" << endl << endl;
		cout << "1) Withdrawal" << endl;
		cout << "2) Deposit" << endl;
		cout << "3) Check Balance" << endl;
		cout << "4) Funds Transfer" << endl;
		cout << "5) Exit ATM" << endl << endl;
		cout << "Enter your choice: ";
//Function to choose in the main menu screen
int mainMenuSelection(int choice)
		//Declare variables in mainMenuSelection
		int withdrawChoice,
		double money = 0.0;

		//Respond to user's menu selection
		switch (choice)
		case 1:
			//Perform do\while loop to check for correct validation
				//Show output of function
				cout <<"\t\tWithdrawal Screen" << endl << endl;
				cout << "1) From Checking" << endl;
				cout << "2) From Savings" << endl;
				cout << "3) Quick Cash" << endl;
				cout << "4) Back to Main Menu" << endl;
				cout << "Enter your withdraw choice: ";
				cin >> withdrawChoice;

				while (withdrawChoice < 1 || withdrawChoice > 4)
					cout << "Please reenter 1, 2, 3, 4: ";
					cin >> withdrawChoice;

				if (withdrawChoice != 4)
					int val = enterAmountScreen(money);
					return -1;
			} while (withdrawChoice != 4);
			//Back to main menu option
			if (withdrawChoice == 4)
				return -1;

		case 2:
			//Perform do\while loop to check for correct validation
				cout <<"\t\tDeposit Screen" << endl << endl;
				cout << "1) To Checking" << endl;
				cout << "2) To Savings" << endl;
				cout << "3) Back to Main Menu" << endl;
				cout << "Enter your deposit choice: ";
				cin >> depositChoice;

				while (depositChoice < 1 || depositChoice > 3)
					cout << "Please reenter 1, 2, or 3: ";
					cin >> depositChoice;

				if (depositChoice !=3)
					int val = enterAmountScreen(money);
					return -1;

			} while (depositChoice != 3);

			//Back to main menu option
			if (depositChoice == 3)
				return -1;

		case 3:
			//Perform do\while loop to check for correct validation
				cout << "\t\tCheck Balance Screen" << endl << endl;
				cout << "1) From Checking" << endl;
				cout << "2) From Savings" << endl;
				cout << "3) Back to Main Menu" << endl;
				cout << "Enter Your Check Balance Choice: ";
				cin >> checkBalanceChoice;

				while (checkBalanceChoice < 1 || checkBalanceChoice > 3)
					cout << "Please reenter 1, 2, or 3: ";
					cin >> checkBalanceChoice;

			} while (checkBalanceChoice != 3);

			//Back to main menu option
			if (checkBalanceChoice ==3)
				return -1;

		case 4:
			//Perform do\while loop to check for correct validation
				cout << "\t\tFunds Transfer Screen" << endl << endl;
				cout << "1) From Savings to Checking" << endl;
				cout << "2) From Checking to Savings" << endl;
				cout << "3) Back to Main Menu" << endl;
				cout << "Enter Your Funds Transfer Choice: ";
				cin >> fundsTransferChoice;

				while (fundsTransferChoice < 1 || fundsTransferChoice > 3)
					cout << "Please reenter 1, 2, or 3: ";
					cin >> fundsTransferChoice;
				if (fundsTransferChoice != 3)
					int val = enterAmountScreen(money);
					return -1;

			} while (fundsTransferChoice != 3);

			//Back to main menu option
			if (choice == 3)
				return -1;

		case 5:
			//End the program if 5 is selected
			cout << "Program ending." << endl << endl;
		return 0;
//Function to display the welcome screen
void welcomeScreen()
			//Show output of function
			cout << "Hit enter to simulate inserting card";
			//Hit enter to go to the next screen

//Function to enter amount screen
double enterAmountScreen(double money)
	//Declare function variables
	int decision,
	anotherTransactionChoice = 0;
	//Show output of function
	cout << endl << "\t\tEnter Amount Screen" << endl;
	cout << "1) Enter an amount:";
	cout << endl << "2) Back to Main Menu:";
	cout << endl << "Enter your decision for the amount screen: ";
	cin >> decision;
	//Return to main menu option
	if (decision == 2)
		return -1;
		cout << "Please enter the amount: ";
		cin >> money;

	return money;

//Function to enter another transaction screen
int anotherTransactionScreen(int anotherTransactionChoice)
		cout << endl << "\t\tAnother Transaction Screen" << endl;
		cout << "1.) Enter another transaction" << endl;
		cout << "2.) Exit the ATM ";
		cout << endl << "Please make a selection ";
		cin >> anotherTransactionChoice;

		while (anotherTransactionChoice < 1 || anotherTransactionChoice > 2)
			cout << "Please reenter 1 or 2: ";
			cin >> anotherTransactionChoice;

		if (anotherTransactionChoice == 1)
			return -1;

		if (anotherTransactionChoice == 2)
			return 1;

	} while (anotherTransactionChoice == 2 || anotherTransactionChoice == 1);

	return anotherTransactionChoice;

//Function to display goodbye Screen
void goodbyeScreen()
	//Declare variables in goodbye screen
	long seconds = 10;

	//Display a goodbye message
	cout << endl << endl << "Have a nice day!" << endl << endl;

//Function to wait 10 seconds before returning to main menu
void wait(long seconds)
	seconds = seconds * 1000;

What function are you calling to actually perform the wait? All I see is math done on the value to wait.

Here are the instructions

Goodbye Screen (screen 7)
display goodbye message, wait 10 seconds, cycle back to welcome screen

Here are the instructions

Goodbye Screen (screen 7)
display goodbye message, wait 10 seconds, cycle back to welcome screen

Very good. I repeat:

What function are you calling to actually perform the wait?

if u wanna be a dick dont respond to my questions

if u wanna be a dick dont respond to my questions

Actually what WaltP stated was correct. You're not calling any function that makes the computer wait 10 seconds. Instead of calling him names a more constructive approach would be to state that you realize that you're not calling a function to make the computer wait because you have no idea how to implement such a function yet and that's fine. No problems. But do try to be polite.

There's more than one way to implement a wait period. Here's one solution for you:


i apologize for that but I just thought this was kind of rude...

Very good. I repeat:

Originally Posted by WaltP View Post

What function are you calling to actually perform the wait?

This is a final?
I'd go install allegro and create a reall sweet gui for this. Clicking buttons and all. But in anycase I can't help.

commented: Why are you posting worthless comments in a request for help? -2

i apologize for that but I just thought this was kind of rude...

Very good. I repeat:

Originally Posted by WaltP View Post

What function are you calling to actually perform the wait?

The sleep() function was used in the post that I linked to. It uses milliseconds as a base wait period. So you can do Sleep(1000); for example.

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