
I want to install turbo c in windows. I don't have cd to install turbo c.

I tried downloading a zip package and installing but it is giving error.

How can i install and download turbo c in windows?

Any suggestions?

It would probably help if you disclosed which Windows and what error..

You can't insall turbo c on Windows 7.

how to install turbo c in win 7
it is showing campaability error
pls help

commented: are you blind or something? -6

Are you too lazy to read this thread?? -- your question has already been answered.

I believe you can run Turbo C in Windows 7, but it has to run inside a virtual machine.

This is how it ran in WindowsXP as well, using the NT VDM. I haven't done this yet, but surely will some time soon. Google it, and also check out DOS BOX, Virtual Box, and VM for their solutions.

I download Turbo c (zip file) from internet. But i can't install from install.exe
file. It is asking for disk 1. But my files are inthe c: drive. Please give any idea for install. My os is windows 7 ultimate. (so for it is a unregistered version) If the problem is due to this i have to purchase. Please give the solution.
Thank You
by sankar

The solution is to use a modern IDE. There are many free modern IDEs available.

I download Turbo c (zip file) from internet. But i can't install from install.exe
file. It is asking for disk 1. But my files are inthe c: drive. Please give any idea for install. My os is windows 7 ultimate. (so for it is a unregistered version) If the problem is due to this i have to purchase. Please give the solution.
Thank You
by sankar

Copy the files onto floppy disks and install from there. But you first need to install DosBox and install Turbo C from within that environment.

I agree with all above.Try a better/newer IDE .Avoid using Turbo C, it is considered to be non-standard. There are many things in it which are outdated and not according to ANSI standard.

While I have to agree with the others that you would be better off using a newer IDE rather than Turbo C++, I understand that you might not have a choice in the matter. Is this for a particular class that requires Turbo C++, or are you using it for personal study? If the former, all we can say is 'good luck'; if the latter, you would be well advised to use a different free compiler/IDE such as Code::Blocks or Visual C++ Express instead.

If you must use Turbo C++ - and again, it is not an ideal solution - then the choices are to either run DosBox, as Ancient Dragon proposes, or set up a virtual machine installation of some older version of Windows (no later than XP) using something such as Microsoft Virtual PC or Oracle VirtualBox.

I forgot to mention Pelles C, which, if you are using C and don't expect to be using C++ at all, may be the best solution of all.

Try to download Emulated Version of turbo C available here : http://www.mediafire.com/?a9d2xq45v6w3ffq
the password for the file is mohitsaxena

maybe this emulated version of turbo c will not work...try searching for it.


USE DosBox :P

Copy the files onto floppy disks and install from there. But you first need to install DosBox and install Turbo C from within that environment.

you can use gcc compiler.. turbo c is outdated,,, leave that thing behind ....

First download and Install TC self-extractor from internet,
it will extract all the files to c:\tc

Now if u are running win 7 , then

1'st way :

goto device manager -> Display adapter , now disable display adapter,so it will be 16 bit..now u can run tc in fullscreen mode without any error..

2'nd way :

Download and install Dosbox...
now mount the drive where ur c files are placed..
make tc.exe as startup and run tc.

I have installed c++ and dosbox which enabled fullscreen. But now the problem is it wont load the library files.

use dos box and mount the disk drive and run the turbo c in dos environment

how to used in sorting for c language?

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