Can anyone tells me that strstr can use to search a record with typedef struct{}??? I was just asking... and if its true then can i know how?? im just a beginner with a great project from our instructor T_T,.,.,,..,.,

strstr() is used to find a string within another string. For example, it would check if "World" is contained in the string "Hello World". strstr() is not related to structures or typedef struct.

Yeah that's i know about strstr(). But it can be usable if a word from the typedef struct{} is containes with the word to be search. Is it possible?

You will have to post a little code snippet of what you are trying to do. A typedef itself does nothing, so using strstr() on a typedef is meaningless.

I just have only created a program that will add records only coz i dont have any idea how to search aside of the strstr(). I will post the code?

Can anyone suggest me how to search records with typedef struct{}??


typedef struct{
	int iDnum[10];
	char Lname[20];
	char Fname[20];


typedef struct{
	int cNum[10];
	char sTitle[10];
	int unit[5];
	int fGrad[5];

typedef struct{
	STUDENT *student;
	SUBJECT subject;
	char sem[10];

void add(RECORD *profile);

int main(void)

	RECORD *record;



	return 0;


void add(RECORD *profile)
	int i,j;
	char m;

	printf("How many students?---> ");
	scanf("%d", &i);

	for(j=0; j<i; j++)
	printf("Student #%d\n\n", j+1);
	printf("ID number: ");
	scanf("%d", &profile->student->iDnum);
	printf("Last Name: ");
	printf("First Name: ");
	printf("Want to add another?--[Y/N]--> ");
	scanf("%c", &m);

        	printf("How many students?---> ");
		scanf("%d", &i);

		for(j=0; j<i; j++)
		printf("Student #%d\n\n", j+1);
		printf("ID number: ");
		scanf("%d", &profile->student->iDnum);
		printf("Last Name: ");
		printf("First Name: ");
                printf("Want to add another?--[Y/N]--> ");
		scanf("%c", &m);


sorry Subject is currently not in use...

All that gets() and clrscr() stuff makes me want to post this so you might take user input in a better way.

commented: Quite so! +19
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