I am having trouble adding information from a ".txt" file to a linked list... here is what i have.

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   The LinkedList1 class implements a Linked list.

class LinkedList1
       The Node class stores a list element
       and a reference to the next node.
    private class Node
        String value;   
        Node next;      
           @param val The element to store in the node.
           @param n The reference to the successor node.
        Node(String val, Node n)
            value = val;
            next = n;
           @param val The element to store in the node.
        Node(String val)
           // Call the other (sister) constructor.
           this(val, null);            
    private Node first;  // list head
    private Node last;   // last element in list
    public LinkedList1()
        first = null;
        last = null;        
       The isEmpty method checks to see 
		 if the list is empty.
		 @return true if list is empty, 
		 false otherwise.
    public boolean isEmpty()
        return first == null;       
       The size method returns the length of the list.
       @return The number of elements in the list.
    public int size()
       int count = 0;
       Node p = first;     
		 while (p != null)
           // There is an element at p
           count ++;
           p = p.next;
       return count;
       The add method adds an element to
		 the end of the list.
       @param e The value to add to the
		 end of the list.       
    public void add(String e)
      if (isEmpty()) 
          first = new Node(e);
          last = first;
          // Add to end of existing list
          last.next = new Node(e);
          last = last.next;
       The add method adds an element at a position.
       @param e The element to add to the list.
       @param index The position at which to add 
		 the element.
       @exception IndexOutOfBoundsException When 
		 index is out of bounds.  
    public void add(int index, String e)
         if (index < 0  || index > size()) 
             String message = String.valueOf(index);
             throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException(message);
         // Index is at least 0
         if (index == 0)
             // New element goes at beginning
             first = new Node(e, first);
             if (last == null)
                 last = first;
         // Set a reference pred to point to the node that
         // will be the predecessor of the new node
         Node pred = first;        
         for (int k = 1; k <= index - 1; k++)        
            pred = pred.next;           
         // Splice in a node containing the new element
         pred.next = new Node(e, pred.next);  
         // Is there a new last element ?
         if (pred.next.next == null)
             last = pred.next;         
       The toString method computes the string
       representation of the list.
       @return The string form of the list.
    public String toString()
      StringBuilder strBuilder = new StringBuilder();
      // Use p to walk down the linked list
      Node p = first;
      while (p != null)
         strBuilder.append(p.value + "\n"); 
         p = p.next;
      return strBuilder.toString(); 
       The remove method removes the element at an index.
       @param index The index of the element to remove. 
       @return The element removed.  
       @exception IndexOutOfBoundsException When index is 
                  out of bounds.     
    public String remove(int index)
       if (index < 0 || index >= size())
           String message = String.valueOf(index);
           throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException(message);
       String element;  // The element to return     
       if (index == 0)
          // Removal of first item in the list
          element = first.value;    
          first = first.next;
          if (first == null)
              last = null;             
          // To remove an element other than the first,
          // find the predecessor of the element to
          // be removed.
          Node pred = first;
          // Move pred forward index - 1 times
          for (int k = 1; k <= index -1; k++)
              pred = pred.next;
          // Store the value to return
          element = pred.next.value;
          // Route link around the node to be removed
          pred.next = pred.next.next;  
          // Check if pred is now last
          if (pred.next == null)
              last = pred;              
       return element;        
       The remove method removes an element.
       @param element The element to remove.
       @return true if the remove succeeded, 
		 false otherwise.
    public boolean remove(String element)
       if (isEmpty()) 
           return false;      
       if (element.equals(first.value))
          // Removal of first item in the list
          first = first.next;
          if (first == null)
              last = null;       
          return true;
      // Find the predecessor of the element to remove
      Node pred = first;
      while (pred.next != null && 
          pred = pred.next;

      // pred.next == null OR pred.next.value is element
      if (pred.next == null)
          return false;
      // pred.next.value  is element
      pred.next = pred.next.next;    
      // Check if pred is now last
      if (pred.next == null)
          last = pred;
      return true;       
    public static void main(String [] args)
        LinkedList1 ll = new LinkedList1();
        ll.add(0, "Al");
        ll.add(2, "Beth");
        ll.add(4, "Carol");
        System.out.println("The members of the list are:");

here is the code i am trying to use inorder to read info in from A .txt file...

import java.io.*;
import java.util.Scanner;

public class ScanLinkedList {
    public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
        Scanner s = null;
        try {
		  LinkedList1 test = new LinkedList1();
            s = new Scanner(new BufferedReader(new FileReader("list1.txt")));

            while (s.hasNext()) {
        } finally {
            if (s != null) {

It will be a lot easier to help if you specified where exactly your problem is. What is your output list?

Emil Olofsson

You said System.out.println(s) which prints your Scanner Object. Shouldn't you be saying

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