I know this is very simple but I cannot remember how to underline a string in C++. Can someone please help.

I know this is very simple but I cannot remember how to underline a string in C++. Can someone please help.

Underline a string? You mean in Visual C++, C++.net, GTK or something surely? C++ itself doesn't do underline... it's just ascii based.

What about using the "Canvas"?

I think you're talking about .net there. It seems toibe part of the root project or something.

This Reference may be helpful?

Anyway it's definitly not a standard part of generic C++ you'll need to work out what "flavour" of C++ you are using and get help specific to that.

I think that you've got me mixed up with the origional question.
"How can I underline characters?".
I offered the advice "What about using the Canvas".
After all, they certainly wont achieve it with asc.
Canvas is part of the object code of many facities
such as ListBox, StringGraph etc and many other generic
variations in Borland, Vcc etc.

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