I am new to programming. As an absolute newbie, I downloaded codeblocks and wrote my first programme i.e. Hello World. But when I hit F9 key of my keyboard, the programme didn't run. Can someone guide me as to how a programme is run after writting it in the console box of codeblocks? Thanks in advance!

Ancient Dragon commented: Good choice of a compiler :) +26

Did you create a console project? e.g. File --> new --> project then select Console Application in the popup box.

I hit F9 key of my keyboard, the programme didn't run.

On my Code::Blocks, F9 toggles a breakpoint. But to compile/link and run the program, you probably want to use F12. See the Code::Blocks' Build menu.

On my Code::Blocks, F9 toggles a breakpoint. But to compile/link and run the program, you probably want to use F12. See the Code::Blocks' Build menu.

You may have an old version of the IDE. I have 8.02 and F9 is "build and run"

I have v. 8.02 too and for me, F9 really toggles a breakpoint (I think I'm using the default settings, not sure though). Anyway, it's probably best to open the Build menu and see what key does the trick.

Did you create a console project? e.g. File --> new --> project then select Console Application in the popup box.[/QU
Yes I completed the entire process till writting the biginner's "Hello World" programme. But nothing would happen on hitting F9. Is there any step involved between writting on the console box and hitting F9?

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