i'm in need of help..
our instructor in computer programming asked us to make a program..mine is a program that will ask the user to input how many sides of polygon she/he wants..minimum of 3 and maximum of 10..and the output should be the polygon with the user's inputted sides and the polygon should be inscribed a circle..but my problem are as follows:
-our instructor didn't teach us yet about graphics..so i don't have any idea right now..
-the program should be passed tomorrow..

help guys..thnx.thnx!!

Go to the principal or dean and explain to him that your instructor is handing out assignments without teaching the material, and he's forcing you to use a compiler that is 20 years old. You cannot learn adequately from a 20 year old compiler nor an instructor that won't teach what's needed for an assignment.

due tomorrow, huh? yeah, man, that's tough stuff.

well.... I reckon you oughtta get to looking up the <graphics.h> library in your Turbo C compiler.

Go to the principal or dean and explain to him that your instructor is handing out assignments without teaching the material, and he's forcing you to use a compiler that is 20 years old. You cannot learn adequately from a 20 year old compiler nor an instructor that won't teach what's needed for an assignment.

yeaaahhh ... i don't think that's really a good idea.

you're responsible for learning the material, regardless of how lousy you want people to think the instructor is. dont get me wrong, i don't doubt that you have lousy instructors. But judging from the majority of your peers that parade through here over the years, lousy instructors is obviously endemic to your country's educational system. Complaining about it will only get you marked as a troublemaker.

as for your crap Turbo C compiler, I'm certain the dean and the administration above him are responsible for foisting it upon you. I believe the highest echelon of your national university system is receiving kickbacks... er, i mean "incentives" ... from the Borland Corporation to perpetuate their shittiness all over the Second World.

anyhow, you got a program due tomorrow. so dont just stand there, do something.\\\


the dean and the administration above him are responsible for enforcing teh use of shitty compilers. I believe the highest eschelon of your national university system is receiving kickbacks... er, i mean "incentives" from Borland corporation to perpetuate their shittiness all over the Second World.

I kind of doubt that. If they are getting kickbacks, they'd be passing out at least Borland 2006, not Turbo 3.0.

I'm sure the crappy compilers are being used because that's what the instructor learned on and he's never bothered to keep up with the industry (he's in academia after all) and just keeps plodding along thinking Borland is still king of the compilers. They are just lazy SOBs.

commented: good point. +6

hey? guyz!!
i'm kinda getting it now..
i'm on my half.way of getting my program done..
i think our instructor is not lazy at all..
maybe he only wants us to learn by ourselves..
and i did it..
claps.claps for me..
so happy right now..
thnx for the efforts to reply to my thread..
really appreciate it..

commented: atta boy. that's the peppa. you give 'em what for. that'll show em. +6
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