I was creating a program that will add the value of the first 2 columns in datagridview when you typed it in then the answer will be displayed in the third column... I want to auto update the third column that if I delete the value of one of first two columns the third column will be affected.

Is it possible to update the value of a cell if it already has a value?

>I want to auto update the third column that if I delete the value of one of first two columns the third column will be affected.

Expression column.

Dim dt As New Data.DataTable
        dt.Columns.Add("No1", GetType(Int32))
        dt.Columns.Add("No2", GetType(Int32))
        dt.Columns.Add("Sum", GetType(Int32), "No1+No2")

        datagridView1.DataSource = dt

Thanks, it helps a lot ^_^

You're welcome.

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