Well, I'm hoping someone can help me....

I've got a web application that queries data from a database based on selections made in previous dropdownlists. The problem is that some of the final queries return only one data item.

I'm using the onSelectedIndexChanged with autopostback enabled as my events in the lists. And thats the problem, if theres only one item in the dropdownlist, its imposible to change the index, thus I've got no event firing the next block of code I need executed...

If anyone has any idea on how to counter this problem, please help!
I thought if it were possible to add data to already manually inputted items already in the list, that'd be great, so that there's already 1 item in there before the other items are added... So that if only one item is retrieved by the from the database, there will be at least two items in there, allowing a change in the selected index...

Just how to do that though, I have no idea!

I load my ddlboxes with a datareader. The first item has a value of 0 and I set the text to 'Select an item below' or something like that. I sometimes leave it blank. In any event, if they make a selection, the SelectedIndexChanged event fires.

Hope this helps,

Yep, having a default value for drop down lists is a good habit to get into I think. Try code something like this:

Dim rdrCategory As SqlDataReader
rdrCategory = cmdSelect.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior.CloseConnection)
Dim liDefault As ListItem
liCategory = New ListItem([insert text for default entry here as String], [insert default value here as String])
Do While rdrCategory.Read()
     liCategory = New ListItem(rdrCategory("ShortName"), _

Well, I'm hoping someone can help me....

I've got a web application that queries data from a database based on selections made in previous dropdownlists. The problem is that some of the final queries return only one data item.

I'm using the onSelectedIndexChanged with autopostback enabled as my events in the lists. And thats the problem, if theres only one item in the dropdownlist, its imposible to change the index, thus I've got no event firing the next block of code I need executed...

If anyone has any idea on how to counter this problem, please help!
I thought if it were possible to add data to already manually inputted items already in the list, that'd be great, so that there's already 1 item in there before the other items are added... So that if only one item is retrieved by the from the database, there will be at least two items in there, allowing a change in the selected index...

Just how to do that though, I have no idea!


u can make a check for only one item in the dropdownlist ,if its true make a call to the onSelectedIndexChanged with the required parameter

hope this helps u out

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