I need a charting API which can plot static Line Graph for 300 million points. API should support zooming and panning of axes comfortably after plotting 300 million points. I tried with JFreechart but the result is not good for even 100 million points. Does anybody have any Idea of a API which can plot 300 million points Line Graph

what "is not good"?
That amount of data is utterly ridiculous to plot in one graph, no library you're going to find is going to do well with it (and JFreeChart is probably the best one out there).
Filter the data to a more reasonable few hundred points, and you'll get far better performance.
When zooming in or out, filter a different window to that same number of points.

No charting library is going to do that for you, that's all in the code that provides data to the charting library for display, code you have to provide.

what "is not good"?
That amount of data is utterly ridiculous to plot in one graph, no library you're going to find is going to do well with it (and JFreeChart is probably the best one out there).
Filter the data to a more reasonable few hundred points, and you'll get far better performance.
When zooming in or out, filter a different window to that same number of points.

No charting library is going to do that for you, that's all in the code that provides data to the charting library for display, code you have to provide.

By not good meant its taking a longer time to response

I was also thinking of doing the same as u suggested. Do u know how to override zooming and panning function in JFreeChart?

There is no "override zooming and panning funtion", you'll have to write those yourself (or maybe you can find some library that implements them).

Not that hard to do, but needs some mental juggling to get the right ideas settled with how to implement them (and no, I am not going to give you the code because not only don't I have it but if I did it would probably not be mine to give away).

There is no "override zooming and panning funtion", you'll have to write those yourself (or maybe you can find some library that implements them).

Not that hard to do, but needs some mental juggling to get the right ideas settled with how to implement them (and no, I am not going to give you the code because not only don't I have it but if I did it would probably not be mine to give away).

JFreeChart has Zooming and panning methods implemented already. You need to set you Domain Axis pannable and You can set your chartPanel zoomable by mouswheel as well as by mouse click. All this is implemented already.
Therefore I need to override those methods with my code which will be doing theese functions. I dont know those menthods.
(I never needed a code but a guided help or suggestions on how to implement it. Thats what this forum is for.)

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