Hey Guys...

I've got a bit of a fiddly problem...

I have an XML doc in the following format:

<HuntList>HL-1104 C Capital</HuntList>
<DistributionAlgorithm>Top Down</DistributionAlgorithm>
<HuntList>HL-1104 B Ltd</HuntList>
<DistributionAlgorithm>Top Down</DistributionAlgorithm>
<HuntList>HL-1104 C Capital</HuntList>
<DistributionAlgorithm>Top Down</DistributionAlgorithm>
<HuntList>HL-1104 C Capital</HuntList>
<LineGroup>LG-1104 C Capital</LineGroup>
<DistributionAlgorithm>Top Down</DistributionAlgorithm>
<HuntList>HL-1104 B Ltd</HuntList>
<LineGroup>LG-1104 B</LineGroup>
<DistributionAlgorithm>Top Down</DistributionAlgorithm>

I want to read it into some sort of heirarchy along these lines....


So from the data above i end up with the data in this logical heirarchy i.e. for each DNorPattern i can expand to see the hunt list then expand the huntlist to see the linegroups then expand the linegroups to see the members! (I'm putting this in code to keep the indentation)

DNOrPattern: 1015
	HuntList: HL-1104 B Ltd
			LineGroup: LG-1000-COREVM1
					Member: 20110

			LineGroup: LG-1104 B	
					Member: 20132

DNOrPattern: 0444
	HuntList: HL-1104 C Capital
			LineGroup: LG-1000-COREVM1
					Member: 20110
					Member: 20130

			LineGroup: LG-1104 C Capital
					Member: 11048624

Hope that makes some sense....

I think Linq should be able to do this but i dont know where to begin really...

this is how i've started (the table is stored in StoreSoap.SoapHuntDoc as an XDocument)

var rows = from row in StoreSoap.SoapHuntDoc.Descendants("row")
                        select new
                            Pilot = row.Element("DNOrPattern").Value,
                            HuntList = row.Element("HuntList").Value,
                            LineGroup = row.Element("LineGroup").Value,
                            RNA = row.Element("RNAReversionTimeout").Value,
                            DistributionAlgorithm = row.Element("DistributionAlgorithm").Value,
                            Member = row.Element("Member").Value,

That's some crazy multi-level grouping that you need to do, more than likely. And it's possible. Run the following sample based upon what you've already done:

string xml = @"<rows><row>
<HuntList>HL-1104 C Capital</HuntList>
<DistributionAlgorithm>Top Down</DistributionAlgorithm>
<HuntList>HL-1104 B Ltd</HuntList>
<DistributionAlgorithm>Top Down</DistributionAlgorithm>
<HuntList>HL-1104 C Capital</HuntList>
<DistributionAlgorithm>Top Down</DistributionAlgorithm>
<HuntList>HL-1104 C Capital</HuntList>
<LineGroup>LG-1104 C Capital</LineGroup>
<DistributionAlgorithm>Top Down</DistributionAlgorithm>
<HuntList>HL-1104 B Ltd</HuntList>
<LineGroup>LG-1104 B</LineGroup>
<DistributionAlgorithm>Top Down</DistributionAlgorithm>

XDocument document = XDocument.Parse(xml);

var rows = from row in document.Descendants("row")
           select new
               Pilot = row.Element("DNOrPattern").Value,
               HuntList = row.Element("HuntList").Value,
               LineGroup = row.Element("LineGroup").Value,
               RNA = row.Element("RNAReversionTimeout").Value,
               DistributionAlgorithm = row.Element("DistributionAlgorithm").Value,
               Member = row.Element("Member").Value,

var groupings = (from row in rows
                 group row by row.Pilot into pilotgroup
                 select new
                         Pilot = pilotgroup.Key,
                         Huntlists = (from row in pilotgroup
                                      group row by row.HuntList into huntgroup
                                      select new
                                          Huntlist = huntgroup.Key,
                                          LineGroups = (from row in huntgroup
                                                        group row by row.LineGroup into linegroup
                                                        select new
                                                            LineGroup = linegroup.Key,
                                                            Members = (from row in linegroup
                                                                       select new
                                                                           Member = row.Member

foreach (var grouping in groupings)
    Console.WriteLine("DNOrPattern: {0}", grouping.Pilot);
    foreach (var huntlist in grouping.Huntlists)
        Console.WriteLine("\tHuntlist: {0}", huntlist.Huntlist);
        foreach (var linegroup in huntlist.LineGroups)
            Console.WriteLine("\t\tLineGroup: {0}", linegroup.LineGroup);
            foreach (var member in linegroup.Members)
                Console.WriteLine("\t\t\tMember: {0}", member.Member);


The output:

DNOrPattern: 0444
        Huntlist: HL-1104 C Capital
                LineGroup: LG-1000-COREVM1
                        Member: 20130
                        Member: 20110
                LineGroup: LG-1104 C Capital
                        Member: 11048624
DNOrPattern: 1015
        Huntlist: HL-1104 B Ltd
                LineGroup: LG-1000-COREVM1
                        Member: 20110
                LineGroup: LG-1104 B
                        Member: 20132

(Split this from last post)

An alterate way to perform the grouping that will not create the same hierarchy in code but can be used to generate the same output, is to do something like this:

var groupings2 = (from row in rows
                  group row by new { row.Pilot, row.HuntList, row.LineGroup }
                      into rowgroup
                      select new
                          Pilot = rowgroup.Key.Pilot,
                          Huntlist = rowgroup.Key.HuntList,
                          LineGroup = rowgroup.Key.LineGroup,
                          Members = (from row in rowgroup select row.Member).ToList()
                      }).OrderBy(g => g.Pilot).ThenBy(g => g.Huntlist).ThenBy(g => g.LineGroup).ToList();

string pilot = string.Empty;
string hunt = string.Empty;

foreach (var grouping in groupings2)
    if (grouping.Pilot != pilot)
        Console.WriteLine("DNOrPattern: {0}", grouping.Pilot);
        pilot = grouping.Pilot;
        hunt = string.Empty;

    if (grouping.Huntlist != hunt)
        Console.WriteLine("\tHuntlist: {0}", grouping.Huntlist);
        hunt = grouping.Huntlist;
    Console.WriteLine("\t\tLineGroup: {0}", grouping.LineGroup);
    foreach (var member in grouping.Members)
        Console.WriteLine("\t\t\tMember: {0}", member);

You see that here you create grouping rows with Pilot, Huntlist, and LineGroup together and then a list of members. You have to take a bit more control to print your header information between iterations.

And truthfully, if you did it that way, you could do it without grouping at all by sorting your data on multiple values and monitoring changes on pilot, huntlist, and linegroup values.

commented: Super effort +4


That's awesome.

the first option is what i need... the output isnt console, it needs to get banged into a table so i need the heirarchy in place.

I had absolutely no idea how to approach this so thank you very much!

some of the data structures in cisco call manager are quite complicated and the recipient of the data needs it in a completely unrelated format.


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