I'm using this website as a reference and am modifying some code to (hopefully) have it work the way I'd like it to.

I think I'm close, but since I have no experience with custom paramaterized output manipulators (and have limited experience with custom output manipulators even) I'm kind of caught up.

My functions, with how I believe is the way I'd like to have the parameters issued, is:

First, within the class's header that will be using these manipulators I'd define these:

typedef map<ostream *, string> FlagMap;
static FlagMap Flags;

Then, outside of the class but within the header the following will be there:

struct yearManip {};
extern void year(yearManip x);
typedef void(*yearPtr)(yearManip);
extern ostream &operator << (ostream &out, yearPtr);[/code]

In the cc file, I'd have this:

Calendar::FlagMap Calendar::Flags;

void year(yearManip x) {}
ostream &operator << (ostream &out, yearPtr) {
    Calendar::Flags[&out] = "year";
    return out;

The above compiles happily, even when given an int as a parameter to the manipulator.

My problem is that I don't know how to retrieve the value of the int that's entered as a parameter for the manipulator. In the case above, my program will (as if on a calendar) display the one full calendar year that is entered as a number within the parameter).
Example of intended code usage:

Calendar mine;
cout << year(2010) << mine << endl;

The above would output the full calendar year for the year 2010.

I have all of the functions working correctly, already, but am having trouble understanding how to retrieve the parameter value so I can use the functions in this manipulator.

Can someone please help me understand how to retrieve that value so I can use it? It wouldn't be used by the user in any way...or in the final program. Just within the "Calendar" class's header and source file

Thanks in advance

For example, this is the code I specifically need help with:

void year(yearManip x) {}
ostream &operator << (ostream &out, yearPtr) {
    Calendar::Flags[&out] = "year";
    Calendar::FlagsInt[&out] = yearPtr->x;
    return out;

(I decided to create a second FlagMap to store the ints relative to the ostream...so the same ostream can reference both the string and int)

I can't getCalendar::FlagsInt[&out] = yearPtr->x; to reference x, or Calendar::FlagsInt[&out] = yearManip.x; or any other variation I've tried so far

Ah, in the first post - the code that didn't show as code (must have missed a tag) should be:

struct weekManip { weekManip(int x); };
extern void week(weekManip x);
typedef void(*weekPtr)(weekManip);
extern ostream &operator << (ostream &out, weekPtr);

(I was also missing some code when I pasted it)

>Okay, while continuing to search, I came up with this:

_Smanip is a Microsoft-ism. Don't expect code using it to compile anywhere except Visual C++. The concept behind _Smanip is trivial anyway:

#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>

struct fillblank {
  int _l;

  fillblank ( int l ): _l ( l ) {}

  friend std::ostream& operator<< ( std::ostream& os, fillblank fb )
    for ( int i = 0; i < fb._l; i++ )
      os << ' ';

    return os;

int main()
  std::cout << "10 blanks follow" << fillblank ( 10 ) << ".\n";

The arguments are actually constructor arguments, which are then stored as data members in a temporary object and an overloaded << operator is called on the stream using that temporary object. It's elegant and works very well.

>Okay, while continuing to search, I came up with this:

_Smanip is a Microsoft-ism. Don't expect code using it to compile anywhere except Visual C++. The concept behind _Smanip is trivial anyway:

#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>

struct fillblank {
  int _l;

  fillblank ( int l ): _l ( l ) {}

  friend std::ostream& operator<< ( std::ostream& os, fillblank fb )
    for ( int i = 0; i < fb._l; i++ )
      os << ' ';

    return os;

int main()
  std::cout << "10 blanks follow" << fillblank ( 10 ) << ".\n";

The arguments are actually constructor arguments, which are then stored as data members in a temporary object and an overloaded << operator is called on the stream using that temporary object. It's elegant and works very well.

Thank you very much! I literally just found this link to a book that explained it this way and was working it out myself also. My example is very simple (simply re-displaying the int that is passed as an argument but it did show this works well.

The code's nice and short, and pretty easy to understand overall. Though, that was a lot harder to find than I had anticipated..I've been searching on-and-off for a couple days online and pretty intensely for the last few hours today

Thanks a lot for the help :)

I'll play with it a bit more to get it to do exactly what I'm looking for. I really appreciate the help!

This is really nice. Used in conjunction with the ability to have as many different manipulators as you'd like and choosing from an if-else which to execute, this is very powerful

Definitely something I'm going to implement in much of my future code I think

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