Hi ...

I m having question on vc++ floating value slider in CLR windows from...

I want to have a slider which should have 0 to 1000 value and the values should be float values..

can anyone please help me how to resolve this problem..

here i included the code which i used for including slider.


this->trackBar1->Location = System::Drawing::Point(173, 68);
			this->trackBar1->Maximum = 1000;
			this->trackBar1->Name = L"trackBar1";
			this->trackBar1->Size = System::Drawing::Size(245, 45);
			this->trackBar1->SmallChange = 5;
			this->trackBar1->TabIndex = 3;
			this->trackBar1->Value = 0;

All the replies are valuable for me
Thanks in advance...

Set the maximum range to say 10000, then when it comes to displaying 0.0 to 999.9, simply multiply by 10.

Thank you so much .
I work according to your your idea..
It works good..
I got the float value now.

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