Ok, I have a class project to basically design a program that handles classes and vehicles. What I have so far is far from the ending product. I have made 3 classes, car, vehicle, and motorcycle. Car and motorcycle are dervied from vehicle. The car class has a set const variable for number of wheels to 4. mpg and model name are the other variables. Motorcycle is a class with const for 2 wheels and model and mpg. Vehicle only has number of wheels and mpg.

Here is my code thus far.

Class: car.h

#ifndef CAR_H
#define CAR_H

#include <string>

#include "vehicle.h"

using std::string;

class Car  : public Vehicle {
  Car(string const& model, double milesPerGallon);

  void setModel(string const& model);

  string const& getModel() const;

  virtual void print() const;

  string model;


Class motorcycle.h:


#include <string>

#include "vehicle.h"

using std::string;

class MotorCycle : public Vehicle {
  MotorCycle(string const& model, double milesPerGallon);

  void setModel(string const& model);

  string const& getModel() const;

  virtual void print() const;

  string model;


class vehicle.h

#ifndef VEHICLE_H
#define VEHICLE_H

class Vehicle {
  Vehicle(int wheels, double milesPerGallon);

  void setWheels(int wheels);
  void setMilesPerGallon(double milesPerGallon);

  double getMilesPerGallon() const;
  int    getWheels() const;

  virtual void print() const;

  int wheels;
  double milesPerGallon;


source files:

#include "car.h"

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

Car::Car() {

Car::Car(string const& model, double milesPerGallon)
    : Vehicle(4, milesPerGallon), model(model) {

void Car::setModel(string const& model) {
  this->model = model;

string const& Car::getModel() const {
  return model;

void Car::print() const {
  cout << "Car model: " << model << "\n";


#include "motorcycle.h"

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

MotorCycle::MotorCycle() {

MotorCycle::MotorCycle(string const& model, double milesPerGallon)
    : Vehicle(2, milesPerGallon), model(model) {

void MotorCycle::setModel(string const& model) {
  this->model = model;

string const& MotorCycle::getModel() const {
  return model;

void MotorCycle::print() const {
  cout << "Motorcycle model: " << model << "\n";


#include "vehicle.h"

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

Vehicle::Vehicle() {
  wheels = 0; milesPerGallon = 0;

Vehicle::Vehicle(int wheels, double milesPerGallon)
  : wheels(wheels), milesPerGallon(milesPerGallon) {

void Vehicle::setWheels(int wheels) {
  this->wheels = wheels;

void Vehicle::setMilesPerGallon(double milesPerGallon) {
  this->milesPerGallon = milesPerGallon;

double Vehicle::getMilesPerGallon() const {
  return milesPerGallon;

int Vehicle::getWheels() const {
  return wheels;

void Vehicle::print() const {
  cout << "Wheels number: " << wheels << "\n"
    << "Miles per gallon: " << milesPerGallon << "\n";

and main.cpp

#include <iostream>

#include "car.h"
#include "vehicle.h"
#include "motorcycle.h"

using namespace std;

int main() {
  double mpg; 
  int wheelss;
  Car c("Ford", 8);
  MotorCycle mc("Bike", 5);

  cout << "Please enter the miles per gallon for vehicle:" << endl;
  cin >> mpg;
  Vehicle milesPerGallon(double mpg);
  cout << "Please enter the number of wheels for the vehicle:" << endl;
   cin >> wheelss;
  Vehicle wheels(int wheelss);


  return 0;

Problem I am having is getting users to input the code instead of having it statically held by the program. So i am attempting this with the vehicle class. I am prompting for mpg and number of wheels. when I compile I get the follow error:
Error 1 error C2143: syntax error : missing ';' before '.' \Desktop\vehicle\main.cpp 25 test15
Error 2 error C2143: syntax error : missing ';' before '.' \Desktop\vehicle\main.cpp 25 test15

I tried googleing the error and found that it typically has something to do with omission in previos lines. I have checked previous lines and have semi colons through out. Any help/guidance would be great.

THank you in advance for your time and effort!

Vehicle milesPerGallon(double mpg);
  cout << "Please enter the number of wheels for the vehicle:" << endl;
   cin >> wheelss;
  Vehicle wheels(int wheelss);

You are declaring function prototypes here. where-as i think, you need to call the functions there. Guess you should probably check that out!

Ok, I have a class project to basically design a program that handles classes and vehicles. What I have so far is far from the ending product. I have made 3 classes, car, vehicle, and motorcycle. Car and motorcycle are dervied from vehicle. The car class has a set const variable for number of wheels to 4. mpg and model name are the other variables. Motorcycle is a class with const for 2 wheels and model and mpg. Vehicle only has number of wheels and mpg.

Here is my code thus far.

Class: car.h

#ifndef CAR_H
#define CAR_H

#include <string>

#include "vehicle.h"

using std::string;

class Car  : public Vehicle {
  Car(string const& model, double milesPerGallon);

  void setModel(string const& model);

  string const& getModel() const;

  virtual void print() const;

  string model;


Class motorcycle.h:


#include <string>

#include "vehicle.h"

using std::string;

class MotorCycle : public Vehicle {
  MotorCycle(string const& model, double milesPerGallon);

  void setModel(string const& model);

  string const& getModel() const;

  virtual void print() const;

  string model;


class vehicle.h

#ifndef VEHICLE_H
#define VEHICLE_H

class Vehicle {
  Vehicle(int wheels, double milesPerGallon);

  void setWheels(int wheels);
  void setMilesPerGallon(double milesPerGallon);

  double getMilesPerGallon() const;
  int    getWheels() const;

  virtual void print() const;

  int wheels;
  double milesPerGallon;


source files:

#include "car.h"

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

Car::Car() {

Car::Car(string const& model, double milesPerGallon)
    : Vehicle(4, milesPerGallon), model(model) {

void Car::setModel(string const& model) {
  this->model = model;

string const& Car::getModel() const {
  return model;

void Car::print() const {
  cout << "Car model: " << model << "\n";


#include "motorcycle.h"

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

MotorCycle::MotorCycle() {

MotorCycle::MotorCycle(string const& model, double milesPerGallon)
    : Vehicle(2, milesPerGallon), model(model) {

void MotorCycle::setModel(string const& model) {
  this->model = model;

string const& MotorCycle::getModel() const {
  return model;

void MotorCycle::print() const {
  cout << "Motorcycle model: " << model << "\n";


#include "vehicle.h"

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

Vehicle::Vehicle() {
  wheels = 0; milesPerGallon = 0;

Vehicle::Vehicle(int wheels, double milesPerGallon)
  : wheels(wheels), milesPerGallon(milesPerGallon) {

void Vehicle::setWheels(int wheels) {
  this->wheels = wheels;

void Vehicle::setMilesPerGallon(double milesPerGallon) {
  this->milesPerGallon = milesPerGallon;

double Vehicle::getMilesPerGallon() const {
  return milesPerGallon;

int Vehicle::getWheels() const {
  return wheels;

void Vehicle::print() const {
  cout << "Wheels number: " << wheels << "\n"
    << "Miles per gallon: " << milesPerGallon << "\n";

and main.cpp

#include <iostream>

#include "car.h"
#include "vehicle.h"
#include "motorcycle.h"

using namespace std;

int main() {
  double mpg; 
  int wheelss;
  Car c("Ford", 8);
  MotorCycle mc("Bike", 5);

  cout << "Please enter the miles per gallon for vehicle:" << endl;
  cin >> mpg;
  Vehicle milesPerGallon(double mpg);
  cout << "Please enter the number of wheels for the vehicle:" << endl;
   cin >> wheelss;
  Vehicle wheels(int wheelss);


  return 0;

Problem I am having is getting users to input the code instead of having it statically held by the program. So i am attempting this with the vehicle class. I am prompting for mpg and number of wheels. when I compile I get the follow error:
Error 1 error C2143: syntax error : missing ';' before '.' \Desktop\vehicle\main.cpp 25 test15
Error 2 error C2143: syntax error : missing ';' before '.' \Desktop\vehicle\main.cpp 25 test15

I tried googleing the error and found that it typically has something to do with omission in previos lines. I have checked previous lines and have semi colons through out. Any help/guidance would be great.

THank you in advance for your time and effort!

you have some minor errors send me a pm and i can help you because we can better implement your program where the only thing you have in main are a few function calls, nothin else

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