
I am looking for some code that would help me understand how to use SPSS in C#. Basically, what I need to do is open an SPSS file and save it in another format. If anyone could help me out with this, I'd greatly appreciate it.


If you know the internal structure of an SPSS file it should be no problem to convert one file to another format.
But I think because SPSS is a widely used and commercial statistical package, this will not be given for free. I can be wrong, I just don't know.

ddanbe, thanks for your response. I have several versions of SPSS on my machine, and I am able to add references to the type library, but cannot figure out the proper code to initialize the application and open a data file. I've looked all over and found a few sites that explain how to do it in VB, but when I tried to translate that to C#, the application just freezes.

Maybe posting some code would make things clearer? IMHO if it can be done in VB it can be done in C#!

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