I am basically from QA. What we testers do each day is
1. Open a web browser. Type in http://hostname:8080/cruisecontrol (since we are in a particular network, only we can access this)
2. Check if the latest nightly build has been successful. If it is successful, deploy it on a test environment by clicking on 'Deploy this build' link.

This deploying takes around 1-1.5 hours. During this time we cannot use our machines to work on anything else. Only after this deploying can we begin to test.

Now, i wanted to know if its possible to do the below.
When at home in the morning, i use something which will trigger a script (which will be on my machine at workplace). This script will inturn automatically deploy the build. I already have such a similar script. What i want to know is how is it possible to trigger this script from my home machine? Is it even possible?
For e.g the external trigger will say "Deploy xxx branch on yyy test environment". So the script on my workplace machine will be invoked and it will automatically deploy it before i actually come to my desk.

Please help. I am from QA and have no idea about all this.

What method are you using to access the office computer from home and can you sign in and get the necessary permissions so as to execute files from home?

2. Check if the latest nightly build has been successful. If it is successful, deploy it on a test environment by clicking on 'Deploy this build' link.

It should be simple to have a cron job that runs a program to test for a successful nightly build, using name, time written, or seeing a new file, and then run whatever you want to run, but I don't know what it is that determines if the build has been successful or not, so can't really say.

That is excatly what i am asking. What method should i use to invoke the script (located on the machine at my workplace) from the machine at my home.

The script (in python) does HTML parsing to do the remaining part.

What method are you using to access the office computer from home and can you sign in and get the necessary permissions so as to execute files from home? It should be simple to have a cron job that runs a program to test for a successful nightly build, using name, time written, or seeing a new file, and then run whatever you want to run, but I don't know what it is that determines if the build has been successful or not, so can't really say.

You said your network is inaccessible from outside your work, if I understood. Is it not better to have cron job in you machine checking for new builds and starting to do the build in your machine say every day when there is on at 5 am in your computer running 24/7?

If you do not want to do the build next night or want to be green, you can swich of your computer during night or reschedule the next run time.

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