Hello there. This is my first post in this forum which, by the way, I find outstanding simply because everytime I google a C problem I find an answer here.

Ok so, I have a very simple problem. I use Windows 7 and recently had a major problem about my hard disk. Now that I fixed it, my CodeBlocks fail to run and I got an error "<name of file here> has stopped working" and then I get a Windows' message to close, find a solution or debug the program.

I would appreciate any help.

I use Windows 7 and Code::Blocks works ok on my system.

Uninstall CodeBlocks, use Windows Explorer to delete the install directory so that there are no traces of it on your computer, then download it again and reinstall it.

I forgot to mention that the error comes up when I try to compile, not to start the program.

@Ancient Dragon: I tried to reinstall but I didn't delete the directories after it. I will try it and then I will post the results.

You might also have to reinstall the compiler that you are using. Code::Blocks is just an IDE that can work with several different compilers.

You might also have to reinstall the compiler that you are using. Code::Blocks is just an IDE that can work with several different compilers.

How can I do that? I am not sure I have ever installed any compilers :P

There are two ways to install Code::Blocks -- just the IDE itself or the IDE with MinGW compiler. If you look in the Code::Blocks install directory there may be a MinGW directory. If there is, then you have installed Code::Blocks with MinGW. If MinGW directory is not there, then look in c:\ root directory for it. If you find it there then most likely you have installed MinGW independently of Code::Blocks, and in that case you will want to reinstall MinGW again.

Deleting the directory and reinstalling seems to fix the problem. Thanks a lot!

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