i want to know what is the code written in header files.(how a functions works)
is that possible

for e.g.
i created my own version of sqrt function in .C
now i want to know the difference b/w my code and sqrt function code.
i want to check how efficiently i created it.


you can always look for your header files in your library folders. Look for the address in the "Options" or "Preferences" of your c++ compiler, or go to the folder you configured when setting it up.

Once you reached the folder, look for the library you intend to study. That should do it

i want to know what is the code written in header files.(how a functions works)
is that possible

for e.g.
i created my own version of sqrt function in .C
now i want to know the difference b/w my code and sqrt function code.
i want to check how efficiently i created it.


You don't need sqrt source to compare your own implementation efficiency. Just run math.h sqrt in a loop - record total calculation time.
do the same thing with your sqrt - then compare execution times. Of course all conditions should be equal, that is - run experiment on same argument values and etc. Also you can compare calculation precision.

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