I came across a design in which there are different projects for the methods and data.

Example 1

What I meant is normally, if we have a USER class then

class user


 int userid;

 string username;


public void Adduser(int id, string Name)



 public void RemoveUSer(int id)




We have a user object, attributes and the methods to manipulate the attributes. This is a normal design.

Example 2

what I came across are,

two projects

project 1. BusinessObjects

Project 2. Types (types for business objects)

Project 1 :

Public Class AddUser(AddUserInput input)


	Public void Execute()

	{	       //logic to add the user



Public class RemoveUser (RemoveUserInput input)


	Public void Execute()

	{	//logic to remove the user



Public Class User: Basetypes


int id;

string name

//overridden methods


public class Basetype


   //methods to override




equals(); //etc


Project 2:

Public class AdduserInput : IOType


	int id, 

	string Name

	//overridden methods 


public class RemoveUserInput : IOType


	int id;

//overridden methods


public class IOType


 //methods to override




equals(); //etc


As you can see different projects for methods and for the Types


I stronlgy disagree with the Example 2


1. No proper encapsulation ( data and methods are separated and any one can act on the methods)

2. The objects will be scatterd in the user interface. ( user interface will know the inner details of the business logic)

3. Design patterns can not be followed

4. Inheritance can not be used as c# doesn't support multiple inheritance and here all the objects inherit from BASETYPES. So no relationships can be established.

5. unnecessary coding

6. Design was selected before proper analysis of the requirements.


I need experts opinion on this Please. I feel encapsulation and inheritance are broken here .

Friend.. I can suggest another design

class User { 
//user properties, methods on the user instance
class UserCollection : IList<User> {
//users properties, methods on the users instance like add/remove...

I strongly disagree with the second method also. Projects should define library boundaries not class boundaries.

If you had a class that erased your HDD, a class that opened up a webpage and a class that calculated how old you were. Then I think it's perfectly acceptable that they go in their own projects (and produce their own dll file)

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