I've created a game and want to record highscores through textboxes. I've thought using an Access database may be one idea but seems quite complicated at my level of programming. I'm looking for some ideas or an alternative to using access. If not then some way i could go about using an access database?

SELECT query.

SELECT TOP 10 score from TableName order by score desc

Have you looked at saving the high score table to a project settings value.
Or saving to a simple csv file on disk.

I've looked around and I'm going to try and use sql, I'm a student so I'm only just learning the basics of C#. Would i be able to order my table highest integer to lowest so I could reference a cells for my text boxes?

Take a look at adatapost's above code snippet. That statement will sort your selected values from highest to lowest. The table itself may not be ordered that way, but it doesn't need to be when you use the ORDER BY statement.

Oh my bad, I didn't realise that was a line of code. Would that work for access, sql's not working for me?

I believe it should. Most keywords work across a good chunk of the databases out there. Give it a shot and see if it works for you.

Just import and export from a text file. I myself and not very familiar with database, so I use use txt files and build classes that read and export the stuff into an array I can display

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