Okay, I am writing a script that might be impossible to fully explain in words. Therefore, I am going to come up with an example that shows the same problem, so please do not tell me to simply combine the scripts or anything, as I am unable to.

Anyways, I have "MyScript.py" and "MyScriptGUI.py". MyScriptGUI is supposed to be like a library, so let's pretend I am not able to edit its code. MyScriptGUI's code looks like this:

# MyScriptGUI.py

class GUIClass:
    def __init__(self):
        # create a text area named "textArea"
        # bind the function "OnEnterDown" to the Enter key
    def OnEnterDown(self):
        # Call the function 'combine' in MyScript.py

Here is the code for MyScript:

# MyScript.py

import random

class MyClass:
    def __init__(self):
        self.myNumber = random.randint(1, 10)
        self.myWord = "Hello"
    def combine(self): # I want this function to be called when the Enter key is pressed
        phrase = self.myWord+str(self.myNumber)
        print phrase

So, how would I go about calling the 'combine' method in MyScript.py? I cannot create a new instance from within MyScriptGUI.py, since I obviously need to preserve the values of "self.myNumber" and "self.myWord" in order to run the 'combine' method. If I create a new instance, these will be lost.

Any ideas?

EDIT: I figured out that I can do this crudely by passing the 'self' argument to the GUI script, but I would rather not do that unless it is the only way.

Thanks in advance.

Pass the class instance to the GUI program. An example with all classes in the same program.

import random
class GUIClass:
    def __init__(self, class_instance):
        # create a text area named "textArea"
        # bind the function "OnEnterDown" to the Enter key
        self.ci = class_instance
        print self.ci.my_number, self.ci.my_word
        print "\n calling on_enter_down() within the class"

    def on_enter_down(self):
        # Call the function 'combine' in MyScript.py
class MyClass:
    def __init__(self):
        self.my_number = random.randint(1, 10)
        self.my_word = "Hello"
    def combine(self): # I want this function to be called when the Enter key is pressed
        phrase = "%s %d" % (self.my_word, self.my_number)
        print phrase

MC = MyClass()
GC = GUIClass(MC)
print "\n calling on_enter_down() outside the class"

That's exactly what I needed. Perfect. Thanks woooee, you're a great help.

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