Just a note, I was surfing the TV (satellite) the other night and ran accross a channel I had never seen before called TechTV and there was a recorded presentation done in Toronto, Canada by a .NET developer. Anyhow, it was rather informative, I gathered some interesting info from it, and learn some things about Visual Studio .NET and the newest version of Visual Studio .NET that is coming out (Visual Studio .NET 2003 Architect Enterprise Edition) as well as .NET Framework version 2.0.

Just wondered if anyone else saw this...

Tried to find the website the TV episode is saved on, but unable to...

Just thought it was interesting..

Nice thought Dani, I had found that site after I wrote the message, but the one I was refering too was actually on the MSDN site. T

Tried to find it, but no luck. Oh well.

I'm a beta test of Visual Studio .NET 2003. Visual Studio .NET 2003 dosen't have the .NET Framework 2.0, it has the .NET Framework 1.1. Also, my website (PCMK) is running totally on the .NET 1.1 Framework.

The beta went public (for the framework - not VS.NET 2003), and its a free download on Microsoft's website. The site also details the changes, which aren't *that* big, and are for the better.

If you have any questions, just ask. :-)

My personal opinion: I like the current version (Visual Studio .NET) better then the latest beta (Visual Studio .NET 2003 Beta 3) version.

I'm big into SQL Server and can't wait for their new version, code name Yukon (which is a weird name to give to a database server). I'm looking forward to how they will integrate .NET languages (if they're even going to do this) in the server.

TECHTV ROCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i love tech tv
its the best
if u say its not the best then your wrong!!! lol

I dont have satellite tv ... just basic cable - do I get TechTV??

If you have one of Cablevision's IO packages (digital cable) then you get TechTV. No IO = no TechTV.

Oh well - no digital iO for me. I didn't think I got it.

hi Samaru, Please help me out here, i have SQL7 test and development tools disk7 of the MSDN. when i try to install it it gives an error at 90% saying could not read a certain file, this is because of poor network connection. and am installing it as local.what do you think is the problem, because i have been installing SQL from the same cd.

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