hi i have a problem, trying to set a form to open a new window,

this is what ive got ...

private void newWindowToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

any ideas why it isn't working?

Form frm = new Form();
frm.Show(); or frm.ShowDialog();
Form frm = new Form();
frm.Show(); or frm.ShowDialog();

i have used the first option you gave but still no window appears? nothing happens, but there is no build errors.

i have used the first option you gave but still no window appears? nothing happens, but there is no build errors.

Well technicly its an empty form. So you can simply add a new file to your project and you select Windows Form. And then put whatever you want in it, and then from your main you call that form the way I've shown you.

but its gonna be something like MyForm instead of from.

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