
By the way, I used JAVA to run this simulator.However, my question is, I have to deliver this part of the assignment by 7th of August, but I am not sure if whatever I tried to explain on the Explanation for the Summary Result File for TWO processes in the above example is quite write or meaningful for the reader. Please let me know if I have done it write or not.On the other hand, I have some dout about explaning the Summary Process File, would it be possible to be explained in few lines.

Thank you very much


2.1.1 Configuration File for TWO processes

// # of Process
numprocess 2

// mean deivation
meandev 2000

// standard deviation
standdev 0

// process # I/O blocking
process 500
process 500

// duration of the simulation in milliseconds
runtime 10000

2.1.2 Summary Result File for TWO processes

Scheduling Type: Batch (Nonpreemptive)
Scheduling Name: First-Come First-Served
Simulation Run Time: 4000
Mean: 2000
Standard Deviation: 0
Process # CPU Time IO Blocking CPU Completed CPU Blocked
0 2000 (ms) 500 (ms) 2000 (ms) 3 times
1 2000 (ms) 500 (ms) 2000 (ms) 3 times

Explanation for the Summary Result File for TWO processes in the above example.
Each process to be executed it goes through five process states. When a process is created is called NEW state and when the process is waiting to be assigned to the processor is called READY state and when the process is being executed it is called RUNNING state and when the process is waiting for some event to occur is called WAITING state and when the process has finished or completed is called TERMINATED state.

The scheduling type for the above two processes is First-Come First-Served (Nonpreemptive), which means the process that requests the CPU first is allocated the CPU first which runs the processes in the order they arrive at the short time scheduler and it removes a process from the processor only if it blocks or terminates. There are two processes in the Ready queue waiting to be executed. Process #0 is allocated first to the CPU, because it arrives first. The allocated CPU time for Process #0 is 2000 (ms) which is based on the mean and standard deviation. process #0 it requests for IO blocking every 500 (ms).This process blocks every 500 (ms) due to software trap which is a change in the flow of control caused by some unexpected occurrence inside the CPU with one of the following reasons, that switches the process from running to waiting state or switches the process from running to ready state or switches the process from waiting to ready state or it switches to terminate state after completion of its allocated CPU time which is 2000 (ms) and then it releases the CPU for the next process in the ready queue. The amount of run time for this process to be completed is 2000 (ms) and within this time the CPU blocks for IO blocking three times.
Because, the scheduling algorithm is used First-Come First-Served (FCFS) and therefore, Process #0 has to be executed and completed after 2000 (ms) first and then Process #1 will be assigned to the processor for execution as it comes next .The allocated CPU time for Process # 1 is 2000 (ms) based on the mean and standard deviation. This process it requests for IO blocking every 500 (ms). This process blocks every 500 (ms) due to software trap which is a change in the flow of control caused by some unexpected occurrence inside the CPU with one of the following reasons, that switches the process from running to waiting state or switches the process from running to ready state or switches the process from waiting to ready state or it switches to terminate state after completion of its allocated CPU time which is 2000 (ms) and then it releases the CPU for the next process in the ready queue. The amount of run time for this process to be completed is 2000 (ms) and within this time the CPU blocks for IO blocking three times.

2.1.3 Summary Process File for TWO processes
Process: 0 registered... (2000 500 0 0)
Process: 0 I/O blocked... (2000 500 500 500)
Process: 1 registered... (2000 500 0 0)
Process: 1 I/O blocked... (2000 500 500 500)
Process: 0 registered... (2000 500 500 500)
Process: 0 I/O blocked... (2000 500 1000 1000)
Process: 1 registered... (2000 500 500 500)
Process: 1 I/O blocked... (2000 500 1000 1000)
Process: 0 registered... (2000 500 1000 1000)
Process: 0 I/O blocked... (2000 500 1500 1500)
Process: 1 registered... (2000 500 1000 1000)
Process: 1 I/O blocked... (2000 500 1500 1500)
Process: 0 registered... (2000 500 1500 1500)
Process: 0 completed... (2000 500 2000 2000)
Process: 1 registered... (2000 500 1500 1500)
Process: 1 completed... (2000 500 2000 2000)

If it's as meaningful and well put as your question I'd start by completely rewriting it, including a more generous use of things like whitespace, interpunction, and other language features that make a text easier to read.
As you may notice I have a tendency towards using longer than normal sentences as well but I do know when and where to use commas and paragraphs :)

Well i read it and its not hard to understand, assuming u've studied operating systems. Its just an OS simulator. If your just doing an explaination of the program you might want to include exactly what you are using mean and std dev. for. I'm assuming they are just ways to randomly calculate how long a process is going to be running but that could be explained along with the other things. But overall i think it looks good.

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