Ok, so I'm trying to make a constructor for a text-based game for a monster. Here is the code for it:

public class Methods
    String name; //characteristics of monsters
    int bodyPoints, mindPoints, attack, defense;

    public Monster(String name, int bodyPoints, int mindPoints, int attack, int defense)

However, it gives me a "return type required error" on line 8. I'm not sure why, because in a method for a different game that I got from my teacher, he uses the same code and it works. Here's the entire code for that class:

import java.util.Random;

public class Fighter
	String name;
	int numAttacks, hitDamage, lifePoints, armor;
	Random g;
	public Fighter(String name, int numAttacks, int hitDamage, int lifePoints, int armor)
		g=new Random();
	public String toString()
		return name +" "+ lifePoints;
	public boolean isAlive()
		boolean alive=false;
		return alive;
	public boolean wasHit(int amount)
		boolean hit;
		else hit=false;
		return hit;
	public String getName()
		return name;
	public void isAttacked(int damage)
	public void attack(Fighter f)
		int temp1, temp2;
		System.out.println(""+name+" is attacking "+f.getName()+".");
		for(int i=0;i<numAttacks;i++)
				System.out.println(""+f.getName()+" was hit by "+name+".");
				System.out.println(""+name+" missed.");
	//    so f is the Fighter that this Fighter is attacking 
	// the method works as follows
	//    generate a random number from 1-20
	//    if this penetrates f's armor, then we have a hit, otherwise a miss, test this with
	//          if(f.wasHit(...))  where ... is the variable storing your random number
	//    if a hit, generate a new random number from 1-hitDamage
	//    tell f that he was attacked by that amount (e.g., f.isAttacked(amount);)
	//    output a message that says this Fighter (name) hit f (f.getName()) for amount damage
	//    if not a hit, indicate that the attack was a miss

The only think I can think of that might be wrong is that I may need something in the rest of my class (the constructor is the only part I have written so far) but I don't know what that would be... any ideas?

Here's the full error message, in case it helps:
invalid method declaration; return type required
public Monster(String name, int bodyPoints, int mindPoints, int attack, int defense)
1 error

The constructor must have the SAME name as the class. Line 8 has a different name.
Lines 3 & 8 have the same names in second code.

Awesome, thanks!

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