Hi all,

I have started a wiki that I hope to make the "unofficial Daniweb wiki". Its mission is to present short, compilable answers to many commonly asked questions here on the forum.


I have seeded it with a handful of basic operations. Please feel free to edit, add to, and comment the existing examples! Also, add new examples if you feel they are commonly useful!

Happy exampling!


NathanOliver commented: Nice examples +2
mrnutty commented: This is a good Idea +5
nbaztec commented: :D +1

Pretty nice page from what I have read so far. Good job. You might want to add the output created from the program just to be a little extra helpful.

Thanks! I hope it is useful for everyone. It's usefulness should be directly proportional to the amount that people modify and add to it.

That's a really good idea about the output. That's tough to keep recent though. I.e. if someone modifies the code, the output will no longer match. Any suggestions on how to handle that?

Good Job!
But I think you can link wxWidgets to official wxWiki. Many people posts their examples and codes there :)

Good suggestion - go for it! Anyone can sign up for free and edit the content :)


I have added some craps but I have never used Wiki. So go and fix that quote for me ;)

Great, thanks.

FYI you can use <blockquote> tags to make a quote like that.


It doesn't present it as quote!

Hey how about you add some random snippet section in that wiki? So we can post random snippet there, that is unless you want to organize the wiki in some way that you would like to.

Go for it! Post what ever you'd like. We can always "re-organize" if it gets out of control.

I saw you made your first contribution - thanks!


Excuse me if I may play devil's advocate a little.. I think the wiki is an excellent idea in principle, however my personal experience of wiki projects which go largely unmanaged is that they tend to fall apart and rapidly decay into a worthless disorganised mess if certain guidelines and principles aren't established before inviting external contributors to drop their load - I'd much rather see a successful wiki than one which nobody uses :-)

  • What's the 'core purpose' of the wiki? is it a house for C++ examples/snippets? if so - make sure that this is clear to all users who might be thinking of using it for something else! (In other words, its probably more important to state what the wiki is not to be used for, because otherwise people quickly make assumptions that its OK to dump all kind of rubbish..)
    - Maybe stating a list of "do" and "don't" guidelines would help. i.e. "do not treat the wiki as your own personal code dump" etc.
  • What should be the specific defined goal(s) of each and any page/snippet created the wiki?
  • What are the coding standards which posters must adhere to?
  • What happens if two similar entries are created?
  • Will the site have any kind of heirarchy structure? Defining more categories earlier on may stop the wiki reaching the point where one person has an enormous task in order to bring the wiki out of chaos
  • Most importantly: How will quality be tracked/maintained? i.e. what measures are inplace to ensure that only the best quality, idiomatic, standard-conforming C++ code will be allowed on the site and that inadequate examples are swiftly removed or fixed?

I realise the wiki is in its early stages, but its best to plan early IMO ... remember the 7 P's :-)

Excuse me if I may play devil's advocate a little

No problem - any idea that only gets positive comments simply hasn't been though about enough!

What's the 'core purpose' of the wiki? is it a house for C++ examples/snippets? if so - make sure that this is clear to all users who might be thinking of using it for something else!

Yes. What else are you thinking someone would use it for?

It would help to state a list of "do" and "don't" guidelines. i.e. "do not treat the wiki as your own personal code dump" etc.

Agreed. I have started this, feel free to add to it.

What happens if two similar entries are created?

I will merge them. I can't (though I hope it does!) imagine that this takes any kind of crazy exponential growth curve. At small volumes I will manage it.

Most importantly: How will quality be maintained? i.e. what measures are inplace to ensure that only the best quality, idiomatic, standard-conforming C++ code will be allowed on the site?

I am trusting people on this one, but keeping a watchful eye. If the project starts to get very large then we can re-assess.

I've "seeded" the rules (as I had done with the examples themselves. Please help me flush them out!



commented: Good stuff so far :-) +5

Yes. What else are you thinking someone would use it for?

Well, wiki's often contain all kinds of reference pages - it might have filled up with hyperlinks, off-the-shelf "FAQ" answers, full-blown tutorials, platform-specific code (although this might deserve its own separate section)

Not that I believe those things should be necessarily prohibited from the wiki, but its good to define its scope/intention IMO :-)

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