I'm taking an Operating Systems course in which I need to write some really in depth programs (more specifically, along the lines of a terminal based program which implements many system level unix-like commands). However, the catch is that this must be written in straight C, which I have no experience with. I used to do a bit of C++ programming, but I haven't looked at any language other than php in about a year and a half.

Are there any tutorials on the web, etc that would be an overview of C for C++ programmers? (e.g. using printf as opposed to cout, etc, what syntax still applies and what doesn't, etc etc)

thanx, dani

I don't know about tutorials for C++ programmers learning C, mostly they're the other way around. If you're already fairly comfortable with C++ just go for a straight C tutorial and you should do just fine.

Do keep in mind that C has changed in recent years. The C standard was updated in 1999, introducing some new features. I would imagine that most tutorials on the web are based on C89 rather than C99. I don't know which you're required to use for your task.

If using older, more traditional C I would suggest you get hold of a copy of Kernighan & Ritchie's C Programming Language second edition. It's a good intro to C (still selling well), and with a C++ background I would expect you to be able to go through it pretty quickly, and soon pick up C I/O and other differences with C++.

That's a weird question. It's like asking for a book on "Windows 3.1 for Windows 2000 Datacenter Server" users. =) Ok, maybe I'm exaggerating a bit. I did use C though a long time ago when I was trying to create a Doom clone. I had most of the source code (which was in C) and it helped me out a lot. I have a book on C/Unix programming if you would like to take a look at. Very good book if you already know the basics of programming which I know you do. Let me know if you want it.

Here's two sites that I referred to when I was taking Unix Programming. They're ok, but they're the only ones that I can come up with at the moment (the ones I had saved on favorites):




I'm taking an Operating Systems course in which I need to write some really in depth programs (more specifically, along the lines of a terminal based program which implements many system level unix-like commands). However, the catch is that this must be written in straight C, which I have no experience with. I used to do a bit of C++ programming, but I haven't looked at any language other than php in about a year and a half.

Are there any tutorials on the web, etc that would be an overview of C for C++ programmers? (e.g. using printf as opposed to cout, etc, what syntax still applies and what doesn't, etc etc)

thanx, dani

I use to do C++ and switched to C and I like it.The main big difference besides no OPP is the input and output .
Here is a site that helped me http://computer.howstuffworks.com/c.htm
It helped me learn lots of stuff like pointers pretty well.
BTW which OS is it?Linux,FreeBSD???

I use to do C++ and switched to C and I like it.The main big difference besides no OPP is the input and output .
Here is a site that helped me http://computer.howstuffworks.com/c.htm
It helped me learn lots of stuff like pointers pretty well.
BTW which OS is it?Linux,FreeBSD???

Yay, now Dani can complete her project! It sure has been a loooong wait (4 years to be exact)...

ROFL I didn't look at the date :confused:

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