i want to know that..
i hava a small java program i.e to caliculate electricity bill(home or commercial).
i have compiled and executed it.
so now i want to turn this program to a appilcation like caliculator.


Your question don't have a clarity. But, i can understand that you are developed a caluclator program. So, now you want to incorporate this program in to your real time application. Right?

Your question don't have a clarity. But, i can understand that you are developed a caluclator program. So, now you want to incorporate this program in to your real time application. Right?


not exactly that.

to run a java program usually we hava to use java commond on cmd promp.

but i want to create an executable file from this program which can run by double clicking the file.

I think he/she is talking of GUI. But clarify it yourself

ok make a jar file of ur java file.

then create a batch file of your jar file.
google will be the best option for help.

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