Hi Guys,

My issue is that i dont know of a way to pull data from a formview using C# and inserting or updating that into a database. I saw something which searching around on the internet called a findcontrol, and i gave it a go, but I m so new to this i really dont know what to do. Could someone help please?

Thanks a lot in advance Smile

what data? and what do you mean by formview? you mean the GUI design on the IDE or what? please explain more. i'll be glad to help you, only if i know exactly what you mean by "My issue is that i dont know of a way to pull data from a formview using C# and inserting or updating that into a database". where does that data reside in your code?

@srky, Please mention what your database.

And please read about Datagrids and OleDB Class.

Simply I want to do How to insert, update and delete data in a sql database using formview at runtime

What didn't you understand from the links?

No one will/Should just give you the answer if you aren't willing to read at least that much

is that a grid view..?
or are there textboxes on your form, that u have to insert them into the database..?

In My Application I took one gridview.In Gridview, details is displaying by using sql database. By using the linkbutton in Gridview new modal dialog window is opening which displaying the full gridview details.I am using the sql datasource to display the details in modal dialog window. Now when i make the changes in modal dialog window that changes should be reflected in gridview details when i click on Save button of modal dialog window.Currently Its not happening. I have to refresh the page to see the updated details in gridview. Please help me.Thanks in Advance.

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