how can we run any project which is already made by some other person and we have all the files of that.if it is in java or project and we have the folder that contain all the files of the project

for java see eclipse and jcreator,net beans..

in eclipse file-->new project

then it will create one project(web project or java project)

if it is java project then simply copy and past your source code folder of existing project..

if it is web then just past your servlet in src folder and place jsp,web.xml in web-inf folder and configure server(tomcat or jboss) and remaining thing as per suggested way..

For java programs you use the java command to run the program.


@shrekting What is happening with your postings? I see many small square around the text.

I post reply in chinese,could ur pc display chinese?

Sorry, my PC doesn't display chinese.

This could be a problem for your postings.


Given that this is an international forum, please post in English since it's a violation of the rules to not do so. As per the "Keep it clean" rule:

We strive to be a community geared towards the professional. We strongly encourage all posts to be in full-sentence English

I post reply for those persons whose pc could dispaly chinese and who can understand chinese ,not u who can only code in english! u r not internet men,but me!

commented: What is that all about? -1

I post reply for those persons whose pc could dispaly chinese and who can understand chinese ,not u who can only code in english! u r not internet men,but me!

And what if someone has a problem and expects an answer. Does he have to know Chinese to get that answer otherwise he's screwed ?!

well it depends on which you want to musthafa said please follow that could deploy the same using net beans as well....wht is ur project about?

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