This code worked fine under 2.6:

f = open("v20100515.csv",'rt')
r = csv.reader(f)

try:  # skip the header record
    for row in r:
        n = 1
        for col in row:
            print str(n) + ": " + col
            n += 1


But since I upgraded to 3.1, I modified it to say:

f = open("v20100515.csv",'r')
r = csv.reader(f)

try:  # skip the header record
    for row in r:
        n = 1
        for col in row:
            print (str(n) + ": " + col)  #new print method in 3.1
            n += 1


When I try and read a row ( ), I get:

Message File Name Line Position
<module> C:\Users\Dads_Laptop\Documents\Downloads\ 90
TypeError: must be bytes or buffer, not str

Also, when I tried to run the code unchanged (except for adjusting the print routines), I was getting Error: 'row' undefined. ????
What changed??

Try changing 'r' to 'rb'.

Same thing:

TypeError: must be bytes or buffer, not str

Try this:

r = csv.reader(open("v20100515.csv", newline=''))

Have you tried like this?

r = csv.reader(open('v20100515.csv', 'rb'))

EDIT: Sorry i began the reply and went eat some sandwich, finnished when I came, and there were already all this ones posted, but I didn't saw them.

Have you tried like this?

r = csv.reader(open('v20100515.csv', 'rb'))

EDIT: Sorry i began the reply and went eat some sandwich, finnished when I came, and there were already all this ones posted, but I didn't saw them.

I tried the most simple;

r = csv.reader(open('v20100515.csv', 'rb'))
for row in r:

Fails with:

Message File Name Line Position
<module> <module1> 3
Error: iterator should return strings, not bytes (did you open the file in text mode?)

Next, I tried a simple 'r' instead, and it read. Finally, I tried skiping a record with and got:

Message File Name Line Position
<module> <module1> 3
AttributeError: '_csv.reader' object has no attribute 'next'

Yet the spec clearly states it does:
Reader objects (DictReader instances and objects returned by the reader() function) have the following public methods:¶
Return the next row of the reader’s iterable object as a list, parsed according to the current dialect.

I guess that changed for 3.1 also, I need to find the new spec....

This is the new spec:

Anyways, in Python 3 you don't do (object).next(), you do next(object).

From the docs you see:

The simplest example of reading a CSV file:

import csv
reader = csv.reader(open("some.csv", newline=''))
for row in reader:

Python2 seems to take care of empty lines
Python3 needs newline='\n', for instance ...
reader = csv.reader(open("some.csv", newline='\n'))

Python2 seems to take care of empty lines
Python3 needs newline='\n', for instance ...
reader = csv.reader(open("some.csv", newline='\n'))

I think the newline='' is required for csv in python 3.

Let's put it to the test ...

# explore module csv with Python 3.1.2

import csv

fout = open('eggs.csv', 'w')
writer = csv.writer(fout, delimiter=';')
writer.writerow(['Spam'] * 5 + ['Baked Beans'])
writer.writerow(['Spam'] * 5 + ['Green Eggs'])
# needed for fin to work (or use with ...)

"""resulting file read with an editor (has 2 empty lines) -->
Spam;Spam;Spam;Spam;Spam;Baked Beans

Spam;Spam;Spam;Spam;Spam;Green Eggs


# read the file back in
# Python2 seems to take care of empty lines
# Python3 needs newline='\n'
fin = open('eggs.csv', newline='\n')
reader = csv.reader(fin, delimiter=';')
# note that reader is a generator
for row in reader:

"""my result -->
['Spam', 'Spam', 'Spam', 'Spam', 'Spam', 'Baked Beans']
['Spam', 'Spam', 'Spam', 'Spam', 'Spam', 'Green Eggs']


# test Python3 and newline=''
fin = open('eggs.csv', newline='')
reader = csv.reader(fin, delimiter=';')
# note that reader is a generator
for row in reader:

"""my result (empty line turns into empty list) -->
['Spam', 'Spam', 'Spam', 'Spam', 'Spam', 'Baked Beans']
['Spam', 'Spam', 'Spam', 'Spam', 'Spam', 'Green Eggs']

Thanks for all of the input guys, boy, was this frustrating. I understand that languages need to evolve, but the concept behind Python (and Ruby) was to let the developer spend more time developing and less time worring about syntax and structure. I guess I'm just a crumudgen.. lol

ok, maybe it's me...

f = open('v20100515.csv', 'r', newline='\n')
    r = csv.reader(f, quoting = csv.QUOTE_ALL)
        for row in r:
        print (row[76][0:5])
    print ("Unexpected error:", sys.exc_info()[0])

Produces the error: error: <class 'IndexError'> Implying that the data wasn't separated into columns?..

If I try:

f = open('v20100515.csv', 'rb', newline='\n')

It throws: ValueError: binary mode doesn't take a newline argument... I think I need to start over..

error: <class 'IndexError'>

This is making me insane...

Input data (in hex, end of line, start of new line):

'5F 43 4F 44 45 0A 22 52 ......' The record clearly ends with a newline.

Reading with 'r = csv.reader(open('TEST.csv', newline=''))' and writing with 'w = csv.writer(open('temp1.tmp', 'w'))' produces: '5F 43 4F 44 45 0D 0D 0A 22 52 ......' (2) Carraige returns and one line feed.

Reading with ''r = csv.reader(open('TEST.csv', newline='\n'))' produces the same result. Opening with 'rb' and skipping the 'newline =' (it's not allowed) causes an 'iterator should return strings, not bytes (did you open the file in text mode?)' Error.

All I want to do is open a file, read a row, and save it to a temp file.. ugh!!

It appears that my major issue is that the data comes from a Unix box, and has newlines as line ends. Opening in binary mode works, but, you cannot use the

for x in Y

because the data types dont work, and, you can't use the 'newline' in binary mode. If you use the default newline = '', or, newline = '\n', the existing newline is converted to a carraige return, and a CRLF is appended at write time, making the line end \n\r\n and causing space between rows.

Answer?, go back to 2.6, it all works just fine.. LOLOL

(There is a hot issue going on in the python bug reports on this issue actually, and I thought it was just me.

Thanks everyone for you're help!!

Is it solved???

Near as can tell, they agreed to change the documentation to reflect the limitaiton, they didn't fix the problem.

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